Denis Hart sent me this link to a short video on ‘Evacuation Day’ that was first celebrated on 25 November 1783:
25 November 1783 to 25 November 2020 will be 86,563 days. The prime factoring of 86,563 is: 107 x 809.
In Del Washburn’s book ‘Theomatics II’ he gives over 90 examples in chapter 23 where 107 is the highest prime number factor of text from verses linked to the Rapture of the Church:
John 14:3 “A PLACE FOR YOU’ = 1070
John 1:18 “THE BOSOM OF THE FATHER” = 1070
Matthew 5:20 “THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN’ = 1070 x 2
John 18:36 “MY KINGDOM” = 107 x 3
Luke 1:33 “HIS KINGDOM” = 1070 x 2
Luke 22:16 “FULFILLED IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD” = 1070 x 2
Revelation 21:2 “HOLY NEW JERUSALEM” = 1070
1 Corinthians 15:53 “IMMORTALITY” = 107 x 3
John 6:68 “ETERNAL LIFE” = 107 x 22
Romans 8:17 “JOINT HEIRS” = 1070
Mark 10:23 “ENTER THE KIBGDOM OF GOD” = 1070 x 3
Acts 1:11 “TAKEN UP INTO” = 1070
Acts 1:11 “TAKEN UP” = 107 x 8
Mark 16:19 “TAKEN UP INTO HEAVEN’ = 107 x 15
John 20:1 “TAKEN AWAY” 107 x 3