A Goodrick (8 Nov 2020)
"Re: Dear Patty Hayes"

Dear Patty,
I have always admired your courage and peaceful attitude that you have 
when facing your 

Trying to breath is a frightening experience. I'm glad that God has Barbara for a reliable friend to help you.

Isn't Psalm 23 a most comforting prayer ?
Whenever I pray it, a wave of peace sweeps over me like no other peace.

Please know that I am keeping you in my prayers for easy breathing ( no fluid build up ) and diligent nurses and doctors to assist you in your struggles.
(really, truly care).

You are an encouragement to all of us to trust the Lord in all circumstances, and to be brave. To abide in Him in prayer. To receive His 
all sufficient Love.

"We shall behold Him
We shall behold Him,
Face to face,
In all of His glory"

In His care and love, 
Angela Goodrick

P.S. Your letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom was powerful...to the point and necessary.
May God hear your prayer and work a miracle in the Governor and the Health Sytem.
I'll be praying along with you.