A Goodrick (22 Nov 2020)
"What is the Easter Triduum ?"

John and Doves,

Why do I believe so strongly that the 
Easter SEASON is the season of our
homegoing ?

Let me explain. In the Liturgical church 
(where days of special observances are commemorated ) 
there are 3 special days at the end of Lent. They are called the
"Easter Triduum." 

(Pronounced "trid" 
rhymes with 'grid'

The Easter Triduum commemorates the death of our Lord Jesus Christ...
Holy Thursday,
Good Friday, and
Holy Saturday.

This is a time of mournful solemnity and heartfelt prayers. A deep form of worship.

The ancients considered a person fully dead after 36 hours. Medical persons noted that rigor mortis sets in at about 12 hours, and decomposition and putrification begins after that, and undergoes advancing deterioration within 36 hours after death.

The Bible confirms this scientific fact in the case of Lazarus. Jesus purposely waited until the fourth day to raise Lazarus, to make sure putrification had begun.
Martha said, "he stinketh".
John 11:39.
Lazarus was then raised from the dead in front of many witnesses. He was restored whole, without a vestige of decomposition.

Because Our Lord  waited 4 days to resurrect Lazarus, all observers would know--- beyond a shadow of a doubt--- that an unprecedented miracle of magnanimous proportion was being performed here. 
A Prophet of prophets was among them, Whom they could not dispute in any possible way.

Also, Our Lord did not resurrect immediately from the Cross, but waited until enough scientific time had passed in order to prove He was not subject to decay.

He did allow death (the separation of the soul and spirit from the body), in order to fulfill Redemption. Yet, because He was sinless, it was impossible
----by the law of the Father
--- that Jesus could ever suffer corruption.

Psalm 16:10 
"Neither wilt Thou suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption"
and Acts 13 :37.

"The soul that sinneth, it shall surely die."
Ezekiel 18:19--24

Jesus never once sinned,  but He undertook our sins to atone for them.

"We owed a debt we couldn't pay;
He payed a debt He didn't owe."

So now we have shown that a 3 day period of being dead, is sufficient to prove that an irreversible state reigns over that body.
The only way to bring immortality to the mortal is by way of an immense  miracle by Almighty God, with the power of the Holy Spirit and with the will of Jesus.

" No man talketh My life from Me, but I lay it down of Myself.
I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.
This commandment I have received of My Father."
John 5:18

Autumn of 2024 ?

Now the New Testament
has another death-resurrection scenario and it is found in Rev.11:7-12.

The 2 witnesses, Elijah and John the Revelator,
will be killed by the antichrist, and the 2 witnesses *dead* bodies will lie in 
(Tsarafat Square?)
for 3 and 1/2 days. After which they will ascend into heaven with Glorified bodies.

Why 3 and 1/2 days?
To show on camera, that they had undergone the scientific amount of time to prove decay was now in process and that they were certifiably dead.

Yet, at the end of those
3 and 1/2 days,
their Glorious Resurrection and Ascension proved otherwise.

All this long introduction to get to the point of this article.

Spring of 2021 ?

April 4th, 2021 is Easter Sunday. We've been told by our Lord, not to look for an exact date for the Rapture, and the Holy Spirit tells us in 
1 Thessalonians 5:1 that we could and should look for the SEASON of the Rapture, which I believe is from Resurrection Sunday
to Pentecost, 2021

Eastertide 2021:
April 4 -- May 23

As far as I can tell, those days are expectant with hope. That is why we count the Omer with  great anticipation and excitement.

Now the antichrist and the false prophet know 
prophecy verses well enough to play their script
with great skill.
They know that the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of our Christianity. 

"If Christ be not risen, then our Faith is in vain."
1 Corinthians 15: 
14 and 17."

If the 2 Beasts of Rev. 13  can undermine that prime doctrine, they may shake the Faith of many Believers. Best to be forewarned.

In Revelation 13:3, 
13:12 and 
we are told that the Beast- Antichrist receives a deadly wound.

Will he play this trick to the hilt and imitate a 3 day demise, trying to trump the Resurrection of  Jesus  Christ ? We know it will be viewed globally.

When the Special Effects are completed, will he "rise" from this "lying wonder" with the aid of the false prophet ?
"And then that Wicked 
(the false prophet)
shall be revealed".
2 Thessalonians 2:8-12.

"And the whole world wondered after him."
Rev. 13:3

What better time to play this drama then at the time of the Easter Triduum? 
The ultimate timing !

"If possible he would deceive the very elect."
Matthew 24:24

Yes, the Deceiver will have played his Academy Award winning scene and will deceive many.
This *strong delusion*
will be the main theme of the New Age Religion:
" ye shall be gods."

"I AM come in My Father's name, and you receive Me
If *another* shall come in his own name, him ye will receive."
John 5:43