John and Doves,
In Daniel Chapter 2, the toes and feet of the king's statue represent iron, mixed with clay.The iron is strong, meaning it is anauthoritarian dictatorship.
The clay represents a democracy of the people.Iron and clay do not mix.Totalitarianism and Freedom do not mix.One is in direct opposition to the other.
Since this statue is to be understood as pertaining to the latter days(Daniel 2:28), we in2020-2021can readily realize that America is divided between anarchy andstability...between extreme Left and far Right.In other words, we are ripe for riots and civil war.
Aah! How perfect !"A country divided against itself cannot stand." It will fall. How perfect for the one-worlders to finally rid themselves of an independent nation and to then engulf it into the interdependence of nations, under the authority of the United Nation's, based in Geneva, Switzerland.
T P T B( the powers that be)will deceive the masses by pretending to be Democratic, while in reality they will use brute force (witholding food in commerce; or waging bully wars) to accomplish whatever pragmatic ends justify their means.
This is what is meant by mixing the clay and the iron. This is the concept conveyed by " anocracy."
If, on December 14th, a split governance is decided ( both U.S. candidates sharing the leadership role over America) then there will be a mix of liberalism and conservatism.
Will it lead to mobocracy?Judges 21:25 says,
"In those days there was no king...each man did what was right in his own eyes."
Battle Hymn of the Republic
God Bless AmericaOur National AnthemSung by Kate Smith withIrving Berlin Orchestra