A Goodrick (22 Nov 2020)
"Re: Patty Hayes: All of us together"

Dear Patty,
I will always pray that your lungs and Aorta and cavity be healed. Nothing is too hard for the LORD.

Your surrendered spirit to Almighty God is so beautiful for us to imitate.
You have been a profound example for me to accept the things I cannot change.

Please know --as you so realistically stated--that if you are escorted home personally, you will not have missed the rapture event at all. 
( I know you already know this).
Actually, you ascend a tad bit before all of us Doves at the Great Reunion.
1 Thess. 4: 14, 15. 
We do not come before those who are asleep....we're the caboose. 

We are all there
**Together as one, in the parade of time.**

I apologize if I am too realistic here, but it is a point of rejoicing, and you already spoke of it.

We're all in this rejoicing, together...with new Glorified bodies and all.
What a day of rejoicing that will be.
When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory!!

I cannot help but believe that we are very close to that royal reunion.

In the mean time, we help each other to be strengthened by our testimonies, such as yours. Rev. 12:11

Forever with the LORD,
In His love,