1 Cor 10:31 (22 Nov 2020)
"Did they just tell us when to expect the rapture?"

By 1 Cor 10:31


Okay, I don’t think satan or any human being knows “when” (EXACTLY) the rapture will be.  Though I do think that right now – even the “elites” who are the globalists, those who will rule during the Tribulation KNOW it’s soon – and that’s the reason Corona “just happened” this year.  My opinion anyway.


So I can hardly stomach the news any more – even the local news.  Yet I turn it on out of habit, mainly to check on the weather.   So while giving it a few minutes till the weather, the anchor was parroting the world news – and how the G20 summit took place, and of course ALL the world leaders are on board with covid vaccines.  Though I’ve not been able to find it online just yet – the anchor mentioned the date of December 10th – THIS YEAR – when they’re hoping and anticipating having the vaccines “READY TO GO”.  All other online reports claim they’ll start giving them out within 24 hours of having them ready.


While I generally do not think of a December rapture – yet why not?  ALL is good to go!!  Everything in place!!  GREEN LIGHTS!!!  So it could be, maybe, maybe!  As Karl wrote last week:  we won’t know till we know!  And as Elliott always reminds us:  but we know it’s CLOSE!!!


I’ve not had much time this week to surf, though I did want to check things out online.  And other sources were pointing to an April 2021 date of having the vaccines ready.  Personally, just me, just my little may-not-even-count opinion is that they want to go at WARP SPEED!!!  And they expect them to be ready long before April!!!


Karl, should you read this, I really liked your article, BTW….. had never considered being hidden for 8 years – a real possibility I’d think!  But mainly like your proposed date of Dec. 5th as a hopeful watchful date!   Scant 2 weeks away – I think we can wait that long.


We know it’s soon!!!   TICK TOCK!!!


And Maranatha!