1 Cor 10:31 (22 Nov 2020)
"Globalists ~LOVE~ that number "6"!!"

By 1 Cor 10:31


First off, we know the AntiChrist when he comes to power will cause everyone to take his name or number – which equals “666”.


Now this year, I expect the world over, we’re told to SOCIAL DISTANCE by standing 6 feet apart from others!!  (why not 5?  4?  7?)


In Australia, a law to fine those who will refuse the covid vaccination…. In the amount of 66,600. Smackeroos!!


Bill Gates’ got the patent number for “his” vaccinations:  060606!!!


And now, the governor of Oregon, Kate Brown tells all Oregon residents to LIMIT their Thanksgiving gathering and all social get togethers to…… you guessed it!!!   No  more than 6 people!! 

Jeepers!  What if a family has more than 4 kids?  Are they to kick one of them out?  Seriously this nut job threatens to ARREST people who go over her limit!!   Can you say COMMUNIST Amerika?????  Oh! And BTW!  If you live in the state and KNOW someone’s holding a gathering with more than 6….  You’re supposed to call the cops on them!!!!


Just a dress rehearsal folks – for the (very soon) upcoming Trib when brother will turn on brother!  Friend against friend!!  All sorts of family members & once-close associates will turn on each other!!!!!!!!


The good news (for us) is we get to get out of this mess & the world’s traps soon!!


Amen & Maranatha!  Come Lord Jesus, COME!!