1 Cor 10:31 (1 Nov 2020)
"Why, why, WHY Lord?  And when, when, WHEN Lord?!!!"

By 1 Cor 10:31


First off, you have to know I wrestled with even putting this here – as everything I write on my computer can be seen!!  Literally everything!  {I don’t mean simply b/c I post it online but I mean from my end, right off my own computer…}


I know the Lord is not the One doing this heinous end-days crime against me – satan is, yet the Lord is ALLOWING it – and here lately I’ve been asking Him WHY???!!!   Sometimes I feel like Job, sometimes I feel like Mrs. Job (not that I plan on cursing God & dying…)  just saying that it’s caused me to question Him.  I’m the victim (yes, and I do not use that term lightly!)  of like I say a heinous end days crime which I never even knew existed till it started happening to me!!  There is a powerful GRID of evil covering this whole entire country!!  And most go merrily & cheerily on about their lives, without the foggiest!!  They have problems & challenges like everyone, sure, but they enjoy their peace & privacy!  Even take it for granted.


So in my wilderness – I will say my earthly life – as I knew it – anything pleasant about it – is gone!!  GONE!!  For good!  Forever!  And maybe this was the Lord’s help in breaking any last lingering attachment I may’ve seen about this world…??


Meantime, I covet (and need!!)  continual prayers for safety & protection for myself, my home & my little family.  I’ve waited for the rapture for SOOO long that I’ll honestly feel cheated out of it if I don’t make it!    Right now, it’s honestly a toss-up, and He alone knows.  Regardless, my times are in His Hand.


The good news is – we can see the rapture on the horizon.   Like the coin shortage which just suddenly “happened” to coincide with the timing of covid.  Yeah, RIGHT!!  A change shortage!  Plus, many stores NOT EVEN WANTING CASH payments any more!!!   “Mark of the Beast” anyone…????   We’re smart enough to see the progression!!!


So in my spirit I’m praying daily – if not hourly, when Lord?  When, when, WHEN???


Oh I so hope He comes soon!  Yes, I’m a bit scared of the unknown (although we’re promised only splendor & paradise & wonderful settings & such nice things that we cannot BEGIN to fathom!!  Yet I suppose it’s only a human emotion  …..)  but even so, I’m not nearly as scared of going to heaven as I am of staying down here!!


Thank you, THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH for your kind thoughts & prayers!   I wish I could say outright what it is – I just don’t know whether that’s wise.  I will say I’ve been through a LOT in life (of negative, downright sadistic stuff every single decade, practically every single year)  – yet nothing compared to this!!!! 


Wouldn’t it be nice if make our exit in 2020?



All I can hope for, all I can say is MARANATHA!!!!!   May our Lord come quickly!!!!!!!  Again thank you for your prayers.  I don’t mean to sound whiny & keep asking for them, just trust me, desperate for them!!