Neil Lipken (17 Nov 2019)
"Google is now blocking many of the end time Bible prophecy e-mails that I am sending out!"

Well, so much for the First Amendment, freedom of speech!   Censorship is now beginning in America!   Google (gmail) has now started blocking many of the prophecy e-mails that I am sending out with the reason being "inappropriate content"!

We knew it would ultimately happen even here in America as the Rapture draws near and then the time of the antichrist during the 7 year Tribulation Period, but it still is shocking to see this happen!

During the coming Tribulation Period those who come to Christ (after the Rapture) will have to go underground!    Only "state allowed churches" will be permitted during that time, and biblical truth will be strictly banned!

This morning I tried to send out an e-mail that Delta Airlines is now showing graphic porn movies on their flights.   Google did not like this e-mail and they blocked it!


P.S.   I tried to send the e-mails out in smaller numbers to get under Google's radar, but it still did not work.    I hope this e-mail gets through.