On 11-22-2019 there will begin city wide bus service for Tel Aviv, Israel. This will be on the combination of the beginning of the Shabbat (Sabbath) and Day 1 of Hanukkah according to The Torah Calendar. This will begin Month 9 and day 25. Kislev 25. How large is the population of Tel Aviv, Israel? Here is a listing of the 3 largest cities in Israel according to www.world atlas.com: 1. Jerusalem 882, 652, then 2. Tel Aviv 438,818, then 3. Haifa 279,591. However. Wikipedia has another interpretation of data. If East Jerusalem is considered part of Israel , Tel Aviv is 452,000 residents. If not, Tel Aviv is the most populous city before West Jerusalem with its 350,000 residents. So Tel Aviv is either #1 or # 2 in population in Israel. A major city. The vote of the city council of Tel Aviv was 16 to 9 of 25 votes. My thanks to Fay for the linked articles about all this. Kislev 25. Is this a coincidence? This is a new and major secular policy change. And. A SPIRITUAL SEA CHANGE. Of immense proportions? Will it be THE DESECRATATION OF SHABBAT? Remember the Scriptural statement about Kislev 25? "From this day and upwards I will bless you." How will Tel Aviv, Israel be blessed on 11-22 to 23 or 11-29 to 30 or Shabbats thereafter with the implementation of city wide Shabbat bus service? What will happen in Israel during these 8 days, reminding us of the Days of Noah for the Noah 8 before the Flood? Abba Father and Messiah know.
With Love and Shalom,