Fay (24 Nov 2019)
"Church of England Report"

This is highly significant. A big, fat, giant FIRST. It's way overdue and doesn't say enough, in my opinion. The evil roots of replacement theology can be attributed to the RC church, which the Church of England stemmed from. When our LORD Jesus told the disciples that they would be hated for His Namesake, He didn't just mean they would be hated by fellow Jews who rejected Christ. They would all be hated and accused of killing Christ. The RC church conveniently forgetting that it was their soldiers who actually did the deed!

I am constantly shocked to come across replacement theologists on supposedly enlightened Christian forums. There isn't a lot of them but they make sure their evil slurs are heard. And whatever tripe they convey to justify their misguided beliefs, the bottom line is that they are unbelievably scripturally ignorant. They have no excuses for their blatant anti-Semitism. Which is what it is. The very important declaration from the C of E in the link below.

Church of England report admits Christian anti-Semitism helped lead to Holocaust