Fay (24 Nov 2019)
"Heshvan 27 Parts 1 and 2"

Hi John and Doves,

Daniel Matson's latest tables and commentary, are wonderful. The scriptures Daniel provides regarding Rainbow Day are beautiful. There is a strong case for Heshvan 27. Almighty God's promises to us may soon come to pass. His rainbow symbolises that promise.

I am sure you are all praying and yearning for our LORD Jesus to come and take us away as much as I am. Let's treble our efforts and join in a heart-rending plea to LORD Jesus. PLEASE come LORD. We beg of you. The presence of evil on this earth is sickening. Depressing. It hurts. Our children are being targeted and attacked by evil. We feel helpless at the onslaught. We lie down to sleep and we are distressed. We wake up distressed. PLEASE LORD Jesus - please come and begin the process of eradicating evil from this earth and your universe. Please hear our prayers, LORD. We beg and plead with you. Thy will be done, Almighty God. Please grant us strength, courage, patience, wisdom and understanding. Help us to bear these awful times until You come.

We yearn for You, LORD Jesus.

Signs of the End 2017-2026