Fay (17 Nov 2019)
"Let's really Think about it."

John and Doves, Daniel Matson too!

On September 6th, 2019, Pres. Trump abruptly ordered an immediate withdrawal of USA troops from Turkey's border. This done in order to make way for Erdogan's slaughter of the Kurdish people. There is no pretty way to put this. It is what it is. 3 days later, on Yom Kippur on 9/9/2019, the Turkish army began it's march. Yom Kippur? The very Day of Atonement? The last day of the year to get right with God? Surely this tells us that Israel did NOT get right with God. Everything that has happened since, tells us that judgement is coming. Almighty God's wrath is coming. Not just against Israel... they aren't the only one's to ignore Covenants. Wrath is coming upon the entire world. Israel is our signpost. Our signal. But wrath will come against all who ignore Almighty God and his free gift of salvation through our LORD Jesus.

From Yom Kippur 9/9/2019 to 11/19/2019 = 71 days. The same amount of years since 1948. Israel's birth.

From the Japan EQ and tsunami of  March 11th, 2011 to 11,19,2019 = 8 years 8 months 8 days.

I am watching Tuesday 19th November very closely. I urge you all to follow Daniel Matson's website very closely. Dan has got some amazing discoveries and calculations. I visit there on a daily basis now. Dan has connected every single thing, to the best of his ability. It must have...and still takes...hours of dedication and work. Thank you, Daniel. You are very much appreciated.

Signs of the End - Fall 2019