Fay (17 Nov 2019)
"Murkier and Dirtier"

Hi John and Doves,

As we watch Israel being pounded with rockets from Gaza - without a single bit of news coverage from the MSM in UK - things are developing under the radar. We have to recognise that all politicians are concerned with self preservation. They do not have their own country's best interest at heart. The first link holds an interview with an ex-IDF General, who is, quite rightly, furious that the IDF are being restrained from bombarding the threat from the PIJ in Gaza. Bibi Netanyahu is currently fighting for his political life - hedging his bets - at the expense of Israel's security. I don't believe for one second that Benny Gantz would do a better job. If anything, Gantz is a worse option. Gantz would have the religious Jews kicked out of any say in the Knesset and would hook up with the Arab Knesset parties in a heartbeat, if it would secure his premiership.

Israeli leaders have consistently prostituted themselves, and Israel, to the whims of world powers. They have not trusted in the God of Israel. They have not heeded His word. Almighty God is VERY specific about His requirements. As Israel have opted to stay under the Law. The original Covenant. The Law of Moses. They are expected to keep every single jot and tittle of that Law. And they are not! Hence  all the snot and drama Israel has suffered since it's miraculous inception in 1948. It has been one tragic debacle after another. Almighty God is long suffering and has given them ample opportunity to repent and return to Him. To no avail. Israel is going to have to be forced to repent - via tragic war and suffering. Which is nearly upon them - and the world.

In the meantime, Pres, Trump is suffering similar corruption charges with lefty luvvies desperate to impeach him. Why are both leaders - Netanyahu and Trump - being allowed to suffer in this way?  One (Bibi) being the leader of Israel - a nation under the Law of the original Covenant. Two (Trump) being the leader of a Christian nation, which is supposed to be operating under the new Covenant, brought about by LORD Jesus. Are any of these leaders heeding Almighty God? Bringing their nations to repentance? Bowing before Almighty God?

One of Pres. Trump's so-called Christian "spiritual adviser's" is a woman called Paula White. I was disgusted when I listened to one of her babblings. Unbelievable. Gone are the days when wars seemingly were fought as a "good against evil",moral stand-point. Now, war is openly a money making business. I know the world economy is in dire straits - but when you start pimping out your military for financial gain - you have lost the moral high ground. America is being treated like a business now - with her military treated as the POTUS' personal employees. This seems to have gone on for a long time. See 2nd link.

All is being revealed - just as Almighty God promised it would.

Ex-IDF General slams ‘cowardly’ politicians, 'we have to kill everyday'

Trump asked Tokyo for $8 bln to keep US troops in Japan