Clay Cantrell (17 Nov 2019)
"Matthew 1:1 Numbers & Bob Ware's Prime Cube"

Readers - 

There is a significant tie between Bob Ware's Prime Cube and the opening verse of the New Testament.

Many of you may not know about Bob Ware's Prime Cube material. In short, Bob uncovered an arrangement of prime numbers that has yielded remarkable finds for many years. 

I'll simplify the Prime Cube for you. Here are the nine prime numbers shown in their correct arrangement, three lines of three numbers each:

 79   431  827
113  467  881
163  523  941 

There are only nine numbers. Watch where they show up.

The New Testament opens with Matthew 1:1 -
"The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham."

This is Bible verse # 23146.  23146 = 2 x 71 x 163

Matthew 1:1 has a total verse gematria (value) of 5876.

5876 = 2 x 2 x 13 x 113

The Gospel record opens using two of the nine primes in Bob's prime cube? That should make anyone pause and look closer to see why this burning bush is not consumed.

Remember, Bob emailed me five months before it happened that September 11th, 2001 was marked. 

Jesus is Lord.