A Goodrick (24 Nov 2019)
"Wound Part 3: Rev 13:14"

John and Doves,
So far we have examined
the 1st wound in Rev.13:3
as being an Economic wound. 
And the second referral to wound as a Physical wound.Rev.13:12.

Now, the third referral is to the Deification of the Beast, due to his economic victory, which commands the awe of the people.

By a masterful stroke, the Beast antichrist can now manipulate and control countries through economic dominance, and not by war....for a season.
He will bring in a short-lived peace.

But even more than that....much, much more than that, he will have supposedly conquered death, having been "resurrected" on live global
TV, Internet and all media
outlets anywhere, being replayed over and over again.
It is the ultimate goal of non-believers to discredit
the cornerstone of Christianity...the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
"If Christ be not risen, then our Faith is in vain."
1Corinthians 15:14 and 17.
But nothing can separate us from the love of God.
Romans 8: 35--39.

The Beast's co-partner, through deceptive signs and wonders---the False Prophet--is credited with raising the antichrist to life again.

Since the New Age philosophy teaches that they are all g o d s , they will take to themselves the
ability to have eternal life...
youth-renewing life.
What a strong delusion!

The False Prophet will
command an image to be made of the antichrist Beast ( a mobile hologram  ? ) and the False  Prophet  will
have power to animate, or give life to, the image of the Beast.

And a mandate will be given to worship the first Beast (antichrist).
Will there be a musical signal, like in Daniel 3:5 ?

It will be a Capitol offense not to give full allegiance to the Beast...
an outward expression of loyalty shown publicly.

To those who are not complicit, who refuse to follow the Beast and his 666 Mark of the Beast System,
they will have their heads chopped off (beheaded).
Rev. 20 :4
That way, they can sell the organs of the deceased intact.

Why has the mystery of iniquity-- 2 Thess 2:7
(unhindered evil)--
been allowed to progress that far?
Because the transgressors ( willful sinners) have come to the full in these latter days. Daniel 8:23

"The whole world lies in wickedness"  1 John 5:19.

When the False Prophet gives the command to worship the antichrist Beast, that would include
giving praise, honor admiration, and adoration to him. To exalt him. To bend the knee to him. To fall down and worship him.
Giving homage...
100% obedience. To be compliant, dutiful.
People will have to note and report those who are not compliant.

I believe that that is when the angels in space of Rev. 14 :7 will say with a loud voice:
"Fear God, and give Glory to Him. For the hour of his judgment is come.
And WORSHIP Him that made heaven and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of water."

O come let us ADORE

In Jesus, A. Goodrick
There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved"
Acts 4:12