A Goodrick (24 Nov 2019)
"Wounds Part Two: 2nd Wound"

John and Doves,
We find the 2nd referral to the word 'wound' in Rev. 13:12, which I perceive to be a physical wound.

It is my understanding--based upon
 2 Thessalonians 2:4---
that the man of sin will be visiting in Jerusalem to view the newly found Ark of the Covenant, discovered under the Temple Mount.

He will "SIT" on the lid of the Ark, ( the mercy  seat )
"SHOWING" that he is God.
A person of Orthodox faith might then attempt an assassination, causing a deadly wound ( special effects).

To me, that scenario would fulfill Rev. 13:12.
Yet, according to the Bible, he will be raised back to life --Rev 13 :14--  by
 "that Wicked" 
--2 Thess 2: 8---the False Prophet, as I see it.
(media will be using pixels).

And then all the world will believe the strong delusion--2 Thess 2:11--
of his "resurrection".

How can we resist the temptation to believe this fake news?
By living each day in the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
To walk uprightly in rigorous honesty, justice and fairness.

"He hath showed thee O man what is good."....

"And what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God ?" Micah 6:8

In Jesus, A. Goodrick

"He that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out"
John 6:37

More on 
2nd Thess 2....
