A Goodrick (24 Nov 2019)
"Wounds, Part One: 1st wound"

John and Doves,
In the Book of Revelation , Chapter 13, it refers to "wound" three times. Each reference has much significance.

1. Rev 13 :3 ... An economic wound to the Beast's country. (Death of the dollar?)... yet it is healed/replaced)

2. Rev 13: 12 ...a physical deadly wound to "the man of sin", which was healed. 

3. Rev.13:14...his "resurrection" from the physical wound causes idolatrous global worship.

In this first part, we will discuss only the economic wound, of "one of his heads". Rev.13:3.

Rev. 17:3  speaks of 7 economic heads of the G7 , as I perceive. America is one of those leading monetary heads; and as I see it, we will receive the wound of the "death of the dollar" , as the global reserve.
"one of his heads as it were wounded to death"

But that economic wound will be healed with a replacement currency.
"and his deadly wound was healed". Rev.13:3

No longer:
"In God We Trust"

Let's look into the "cure".
Our 'Central Bank' is called the Federal Reserve, and the Chairman is Jerome Powell.
He has revealed that he is looking into changing our economy to use crypto -based currency using blockchain technology.

However, unlike Bitcoin which is anonymous and private, our transactions would be centralized, monitored, and stored in databases. No privacy.
It remains to be seen. 
I think they are waiting until everyone is connected to 5G communication, before we can switch to global digitized banking.

Mr. Powell stated that people do not use gold to actually purchase their goods, and that gold was a backup reserve. He actually came out and said that digital banking was as good as gold.

But people believe in the tangible, and I believe that many will be investing in gold "for fear of looking after those things coming upon the world".
Luke 21:26.

This is what the Bible says about trusting in gold...
Ezekiel 7:19
"They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed;

"their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD".

James 5:3
"Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire."

Well then what can we trust in?
"I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich."
Trusting in God is our only security.