A Goodrick (17 Nov 2019)
"Killer- Robot Army: Abomination of Desolation"



John and Doves
What is "the Abomination of Desolation" mentioned by our Lord in
Matthew 24:15 ?

Well, Luke 21: 20 states that an army will be surrounding Jerusalem in the end times, as in the times we are currently living in.

This army is clearly described in Joel 2:1-11.
They will not break their ranks and they will not be able to be killed.
It is my belief that it will be an ai robotic killer army. These robots have no soul, so they are non-thinking, having no logic nor reason.

They are pre-programmed.
As such, they are only as compliant as the skill of the pre-programmer to command.

Now let's define "abomination".

"ab" is Latin for "against",
as in 'abnormal'...against the norm.

The root etymology of  abomination is
 "ab homine", as in 'against man'...abhorrent, loathsome, hateful.

I perceive, in this case, it would be against mankind, to update the application.

Now let us define "desolation"....
to make solitary, without an inhabitant, alone, to devastate.

This is the understanding, as I see it.
The Day of the Lord (which Joel is describing)
begins when a desolating army is on the Temple Mount...the holy place
(Luke 21:20); and is
"where it ought not" to be.
Mark 13:14.

This robot army is so insanely murderous that our Lord commands the people in the area to flee, and not to even look back for anything.
"Remember Lot's wife"
Luke 17:32 and Genesis  19:26.

How necessary it is to 
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" Psalm 122.

In Jesus, A. Goodrick

My understanding:
The Day of the Lord is a day of anguish and gloom.
Joel 2:1,2 
and Zephaniah 1:15, 26.

The Day of Christ
2 Thessalonians 2:2
refers to our rapture
Philippians 1:6...1:10 and 

They appear to be on the same day...
2 Thessalonians 1:7-12
Some go, some stay.
