Grace, peace and blessings to the body of 1480
My friends, human eyesight was made for geometry. I have discovered the greatest geometric proof of the Trinity ever witnessed by human eyesight. It involves a geometric Plinth (or Trapezium) of 284 counters, which accommodates the specific Triangle T31 (284 = "THEOS" and 31 = "EL"). What makes this find so amazing is the fact that there is only ONE way to represent 284 counters as a geometric Plinth! I repeat, the ONLY way to represent 284 as a geometric Plinth, such that it accommodates a specific Triangle, is the Plinth that accommodates T31!!!
Most numbers can be represented as a Plinth in more than one way. This perfect fit between Plinth 284 and T31 is truly a standing miracle. Not only that, the Triangle that is formed through the union of Plinth 284 and T31 is T39 where 39 = TRIPLE SUM of "GOD" = "THE LORD IS ONE" (from the SHEMA of Deuteronomy 6:4!). I call this standing miracle "The Shema Triangle Of Elohim". The following are updates I made to my "Godhead Cipher" paper, which can be read here:
PLINTH = 284 (THEOS), which is the ONLY way to represent 284 as a Plinth
The ONLY Triangle accommodated by Plinth 284 ("THEOS") is T31 and "EL" (GOD) = 31
UNION of Plinth 284 and T31 = T39
Triangle = THREE sides and "THE LORD IS ONE" (from the SHEMA) = 39
39 = 13 + 13 + 13 (EL + EL + EL)
The Standard Hebrew value of "Yehoshua HaMashiac" (Jesus Christ) = 754. I found that this Triangle also exhibits the fundamental element of "self-referencing mathematics", which is tied to 754 (Yahweh = 26 and Elohim = 86):
T31 + (86 + 86 + 86) = 754
T39 - (26) = 754
Another discovery I have made is what I call "The Genesis 1:1 Plinth Of Jesus Christ". Ordinal Hebrew "Jesus Christ" = 115 and Standard Hebrew "Jesus Christ" = 754. Incredibly, a geometric Plinth of 115 + 754 (869) perfectly accommodates the Genesis 1:1 Triangle of 2701! What's more, the EXACT average between 115/754 (434.5) yields Phi as a ratio with the ONLY Triangle that is accommodated by the Genesis 1:1 Triangle (703)! The following updates to my "Quantum Gematria" paper can be read here:
GENESIS 1:1 = T73
PLINTH (115 + 754) accommodates T73
T73 accommodates T37 (703)
EXACT average between 115/754 = 434.5
T37/434.5 = Phi (1.618)
Ordinal Hebrew "Jesus Christ" = 115 and Ordinal/Standard Hebrew "Jesus Christ" (115 + 754) = 869. I also show how the reciprocals of these two values are actually related as mirrors of each other:
1/115 = .00869
1/869 = .00115
As if this all wasn't amazing enough, I also found that a Plinth of 1480 counters COMPLETES the Genesis 1:1 Plinth of Jesus Christ as T100! Every sane organism understands that 100 represents completion in base 10 mathematics. I trust you know that "CHRIST" = 1480 and that nothing was ever created without this name. Thus, I have appropriately coined this find "The Greater Genesis 1:1 Plinth Of Jesus Christ", as it COMPLETES the previous Triangle to form the 100th Triangle ...
GENESIS 1:1 = T73
PLINTH 115 + 754 accommodates T73
PLINTH 1480 accommodates PLINTH 115 + 754 (along with T73) to form T100
I showed how 115 and (115 + 754) are related as reciprocal mirrors. The Lord also showed me that the ratios of the highlighted values in the Greater Genesis 1:1 Plinth of Jesus Christ (T100) are related through infinite cycles:
T100/2701 =
869677897075157349129951869 ... to infinity
1480/869 =
70310701956271576524741081703 ... to infinity
Jesus Christ is GOD. That is a fact. I am Gematria. That is a fact.
Battalion Of Christ,
Leo Tavares