Doves...After watching this very shocking presentation you will certainly question all of our leaders especially our commander and chief ........Donald Trump.I have wanted to believe that Trump was righteous and out to really make America great again but the daily reality overhead as is portrayed in this video seemingly negates his good guy status. Trump could declare tomorrow that any aircraft caught spraying chemicals on America will be removed from our fighter jets if necessary.We are not facing any form of natural climate change........ but demonically engineered worldwide climate destruction on the grandest of scales with hundreds and hundreds of aircraft participating.If the Satanic media can keep us focused on red verses blue or white verses black and brown........... then maybe we’ll be too preoccupied to look up and see where the real enemy is.Have you not heard that the American life expectancy has dropped.........that American’s are sicker especially with respiratory problems...........that the national IQ has dropped......that male sperm count is a small fraction of what it used to be..........Alzheimer's and dementia are at record levels........and the list goes on and on. All manors of living animals and plants are struggling. What’s the reason for all of this? Could it be the poison from the sky they are spraying on us daily like we were cockroaches?They have determined a direct link of aluminum to dementia / Alzheimer’s and it just so happens that one of the primary chemicals / substances they are spraying on us is......that’s correct......aluminum.Watch the video below and watch the skies above and be your own judge as to who the good guys are.