Jim H (25 Nov 2018)
"new book"

Dear John and Doves,

Last week I announced that I had just completed a new book on Daniel and that it was available on Amazon.

Apparently Amazon had a slight glitch and it said it would take 1 to 2 months to ship.

I believe the problem has been solved and it is now available to ship within 1 to 2 days.

This may be my last book and I believe it is the most important one the Lord has given me to write.

I analyse Daniel’s five supernatural visions, which reveal the following:
·       Discover the destiny of America
·       Learn the four cases of the Abomination of Desolation described by Daniel
·       Find out where the False Prophet will come from
·       Realize where the Psalm 83 nations fit into the end times
·       Understand the true meaning of the 70 weeks of Daniel
·       Detect where Daniel alludes to two Raptures

The links to Amazon and our website are as follows:


Prophecy Countdown Website

Keep looking UP!  Jesus is coming very soon!

God bless,

Jim Harman