Jim Harman (11 Nov 2018)
"New Book: Daniel's Prophecies Unsealed"

Dear John and Doves,

I have just completed an new book on Daniel, which we have entitled: Daniel's Prophecies Unsealed  - Understanding the Time of the End. 
The Archangel Michael told Daniel that the prophecies would be sealed until the time of the end. In our new book you will discover how the prophecies in the book of Daniel are being unsealed in the events taking place today.
Since Daniel was told that the wise will understand the message and lead many to righteousness, while the wicked will not grasp its meaning and will continue in their wickedness, it is imperative for everyone living in these end times to diligently examine and attempt to comprehend the vital message Daniel has recorded for us. The wise will diligently search the word of the Lord and ask for wisdom in order to understand God’s plan.
When Jesus came the first time, the wise men of the day were aware of His soon arrival and they were actively looking for Him. Today, those who are wise will be passionately sharing this message and helping others prepare. Those doing so will “shine like the stars forever and ever.”
May the Lord grant us a heart of wisdom to understand the time we are living in so we can prepare for what lies ahead!

This new book is now available on Amazon or it may be freely download on our website.


Prophecy Countdown Website

Keep looking UP!  Jesus is coming very soon!

God bless,

Jim Harman

Go your way Daniel, because the words are closed up and
sealed until the time of the end…none of the wicked will
understand, but those who are wise will understand.”
(Daniel 12:9-10)