Garry B (4 Nov 2018)




Revelation 3:8 &10

"See, I have set before you an OPEN DOOR that no man can shut because you have a little strength, have kept My Word, and have not denied My Name.....I will keep you from the hour of temptation which shall come upon the whole world."


Revelation 6:14 ( sixth seal )

"Then the SKY RECEDED as a scroll when it is rolled up."


The "open door" through which the Church is raptured is "set before us" when the "sky recedes as a scroll" during the Sixth Seal. Remember, we meet the Lord in the air at the rapture. 


Because the seals are opened in chronological order by Jesus it follows that the Second Seal OF WAR must necessarily be opened by the Lord BEFORE the Sixth Seal RAPTURE happens. The Second Seal of war is the fulfillment of the latter days prophecy of the Ezekiel 38:15-16 War against ISRAEL ONLY which is also known as the Gog-Magog War against ISRAEL ONLY.  This war will be a "shortened" and pre-decided war because it brought on by and ended by God Himself BEFORE THE RAPTURE. When Jesus opens the seals He is in complete control of the sequence, the timing, and the actions of the last days events which will occur exactly as written in Scripture.



When the Lord opens the Second Seal the  Gog-Magog War of God's "shortened" tribulation judgment against Israel will BEGIN. God will then save Israel by ending this terrible war in only a few days AFTER which the rapture will happen BEFORE God's tribulation judgment comes against the whole world.     


Come Lord Jesus!