The Great
By Pastor F. M. Riley
November 20, 2018
"Jesus, when He had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost [spirit; soul].
And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
And came out of the graves after His resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many." Matthew 27:50-53.
And behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. " Matthew 28:1-2.
Those readers who are careful students of Bible prophecy, already know that one "sign" after another has been given to God's people, and to mankind, ever since the re-establishment of Israel as a nation in 1948. Since the turn of the century, these "signs" have been occurring on an increasing scale. Not only have they indicated that the end of this present dispensation is approaching, but they now indicate that true believers are indeed living in "the last days," and that "the end" is here. I do not claim to know the day nor the hour when our Lord is coming for His believing people, but He could come at any minute of any day now. And how will true believers know that the resurrection and rapture is about to occur? By a great earthquake occurring all over the world at the same time.
The Resurrection of Christ
As clearly stated in our text Scriptures for this study, at the time of the resurrection of Christ, there was an earthquake. But please notice that the inspired Word does not simply refer to an earthquake, but rather to "a great earthquake." The earthquake that occurred at that time was so "great" that the graves were literally opened, and "many bodies of the saints" in the city of Jerusalem "came out of the graves.......and went into the holy city," Matthew 27:52-53. Those open graves with no bodies in them were a glaring "witness" to the lost unbelievers in Jerusalem that a resurrection had taken place.
The Resurrection of Believers Today
Since there most definitely was "a great earthquake" which occurred at the resurrection of Christ, resulting in the graves of the sleeping saints being opened and their bodies rising from the dead, then shouldn't true believers today expect the same thing to happen at the time of the coming resurrection and rapture? Well...??
I truly believe that Christ and the saints in Jerusalem were an example for us living today. A "great earthquake" at the beginning of this present Dispensation of Grace, and "a great earthquake" to bring this dispensation to an end. Glory to God!
But is there any further indication of this in the inspired Scriptures? I'm so glad you asked!
Fire and Water
In Matthew 17:14-18 and Mark 9:17-27 is the account of a man whose son was possessed of a demon spirit, causing him to be a "lunatick" [17:15], both deaf and dumb. Due to being possessed, the demon often caused him to fall into both "fire" and "water," 17:15; Mark 9:22.
These two elements of creation, fire and water, appear to be the favored means of mankind's destruction by Satan and his demons. Look up in your Bible how many times these two elements are referred to, throughout the Scriptures, as being used to destroy some individual, or some nation or people.
Due to extreme wickedness and evil, instigated by Satan and his demons, mankind upon the earth was destroyed by the flood in the days of Noah. I remind our readers that God is not the author of evil, and has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, Ezekiel 18:23; 18:32; 33:11; 1 Corinthians 14:33. Who was it who caused Sodom and Gomarrah to be the wicked cities that they were? God was not the author of their evil and wickedness, but He was the author of their judgment.
The Lord God is altogether Righteous and Holy, and also longsuffering and merciful, but He cannot and will not forever put up with the sin and rebellion of mankind. Being a God of "justice and judgment" at some point, He must judge those who devote themselves to sin and wickedness. If He didn't then all civilization upon the earth would ultimately collapse into total evil and wickedness. The careful Bible student will notice that over and over again throughout the Bible God's judgment upon mankind's evil has come by "fire and water." Hello!
In this account of the Lord's healing, because his father loved his son enough to bring him to Jesus, the son was delivered from the power and influence of the demon, Matthew 17:18; Mark 9:25-27. Dear readers, do you love your children, your loved ones, your friends, and your neighbors that much? Well...??
The Current Situation
I don't know whether the principles set forth in this account, can be rightfully applied to an entire state or nation of people, nevertheless I do believe the Lord laid this truth on my heart.
For weeks now we have watched the terrible wildfires in California raging, burning over a million acres of forest, thousands of homes, and one entire town. Paradise, CA was turned into a raging inferno, just like the fires of Hell. Over 7,000 homes and structures have been burned into ashes.. Many are dead. Over 1,000 people are missing and unaccount for. The authorites are fervently searching the wreckage as I write, trying to locate and identify bodies and remains of those who perished in these terrible fires.
And now they are facing another terrible situation. On the news media last night, the weather meterologists are forecasting heavy rains moving into California from off the Pacific ocean. They are saying that some areas of California will receive as much as 5 to 7 inches or more of heavy rain. Folks, on the now barren hillsides where the fires have burned, this forecast means absolute disaster. There is no grass, no weeds, no moss, no vines, no brush, no trees, nothing, to hold the soil in place on the mountains and very steep hills. When the rains come, the soil on those mountains and hills will collapse, and gigantic mud slides will come thundering down into the valleys below, crushing or burying everything and everyone in their path.
Fire and water! Do not our readers see the spiritual picture in all of this terrible situation in California?
Some have asked, "Lord, where are You? Where are Your mercies? Why don't You stop this?" Dear readers, the Lord God hasn't overlooked one bit of what has been happening in California, and His mercies are there for all who want to avail themselves of them.
I received this report just this morning. Only five miles from Paradise, CA is the Magalia Baptist Church, which is located well within the fire area that was burned. As the raging fires approached, instead of fleeing, some of the members of that church gathered at the church to pray. But the fire moved so quickly that they suddenly found themselves trapped inside the church building before they were able to leave. As the raging, roaring, fires swept over and around that church building, thirty four members were in that wood frame building on their knees crying out to God in prayer for His mercies upon them.
The roaring of the raging fires passed, and those praying church members realized they were unharmed. As they went out of the building they saw nothing but devastation totally surrounding their sanctuary, as far as they could see in every direction. Not a house, a building, or a structure of any kind was left standnmg. Then they looked at their church building in amazement and Godly awe. Their wood frame church building didn't even appear to have been singed by the fire. Folks, this church building is still standing right there today as a visible "witness" to the reality, power, and majesty of the Lord God we believers serve. Love Him and give Him glory!
This is not some wild story I have made up. I have the report, along with a picture of the church building, laying right before me on my desk as I write. Oh, praise the Lord!
But keep in mind that in the Scriptures it is "fire and water." Now the rains are coming, and with them the danger of the mudslides caused by all the water. Dear readers, pray for all of the people in California, that many of them might turn to the Lord for salvation before it is too late, but especially remember our brothers and sisters in Christ who are still in California, and begin praying right now, daily and often. For not even the passing of the mudslides will being an end to the danger the people in California are facing. There is more water coming!
The Great Earthquake
I have already received reports that in towns and cities located along the San Adreas fault in California, sidewalks, streets, and even buildings are cracking, apparently from the stress and trembling of the fault lines. Could this be the time when California's long anticipated "big one" strikes and all of western California drops off into the Pacific Ocean? Could it be? I don't know the answer to this question. But I do have a love in my heart for God's people. I wish that every true believer who reads this study would leave California as fast as possible. Don't worry about renting a truck and loading all your home furnishings. "Things" can be replaced! But your life and the lives of your loved ones are not replaceable in this world. Just throw a few clothes into a suitcase, get in your car, and drive east ASAP. The Lord will provide your needs as long as He leaves us here. I am convinced that what is happening in California right now is a warning from our gracious Lord. Take heed to the warning, and leave California.
And in connection with just such an earthquake, could this be the time the prophesied resurrection and rapture of all true believers occurs? The Lord God has always rescued His people who were in danger, such as Lot being bodily removed from the city of Sodom. Could this be the "great earthquake" that opens the graves of true believers in nations all over the world, in anticipation of every true believer presently on earth being "caught up" to glory in Heaven above? 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Could it be? Are we living that close to the resurrection and rapture?
I cannot answer these questions, without hearing more from the Lord God, but I do know from the prophesied "signs" that the coming of our Lord is near. And while I pray for the salvation and welfare of the people in California, and for my brothers and sisters in Christ, my one special prayer is, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus," Revelation 22:20. I have no desire for the Lord to delay His coming. None!
If any reader of this study is not ready for the coming of the Lord, then set aside everything else, and seek the Lord in prayer until He answers, and you know you are saved and ready. Nothing else in this life is as important as the salvation of your eternal soul. Read, believe, and act upon John 3:3-7, 3:16-18, 3:36, 5:24, 14:6, Acts 4:12, 16:30-31, Romans 10:8-13, Ephesians 2:8-10, and any other similar Scriptures in God's inspired Word. Meet me in glory in a few more days. Not years, months, or even weeks! If the Lord comes today, will you be ready?
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Permission is granted to reproduce this study and share it with others as the Lord leads. Please do! And hurry!
Please, dear readers, pray for me! I am having lots of medical problems right now, and I want to stay alive until our Lord comes to rapture all His believing saints up to glory.
My personal contact information:
POSTAL........Pastor F. M. Riley, 14275 Co. Rd. 8120, Rolla, MO 65401
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