Fay (4 Nov 2018)
"Blatant Psyop"

Trawling through you tube (as one does), I came across several clips, calling for civilian militia to join the military at the border to stave off the caravan migrants. Of course, the civilian militia are expected to arrive bearing arms. I won't put the links here.... they are easily found on you tube. Watching these clips, my blood ran cold. Imagine if there is carnage and armed civilians have the finger pointed at them? What a wonderful excuse to disarm all USA citizens...... don't you think? The whole scenario - no matter how it plays out - cannot end well.

I am convinced this entire debacle is a psyop against the American people. Using greedy (look at them.... a lot of them are fat!) so-called migrants to play out this farce. The whole thing is engineered. By whom, is the question. Somebody (s) has masterminded this. It's organised - paid for - and is being being conducted by a master manipulator. The general crowd have been coerced into this idiocy. It must have it's little commanders who are in the know - directing traffic. The majority of the crowd don't really have a clue what's going on - hence, they can't leak info to the press. Not that the media would take a blind bit of notice anyway. We all know the official story the media want us to swallow. It's the same with the media manufactured race baiting that's getting worse and worse. Shifty eyed Don Lemon for example. Wowzas...... they are upping the ante.

Have a look at these official links regarding past psyops conducted by the CIA. Absolutely mind blowing. Soak in the information and decide for yourselves. What we are witnessing is not real. It has, and is,being exquisitely orchestrated. 

Everything is giant mind game. We must keep praying for clarity, wisdom, guidance and protection.

Congress, the CIA, and Guatemala, 1954 — Central Intelligence Agency