Fay (4 Nov 2018)
"Bread and Circuses 2"

Soon after sending off my previous emails to our dear John Tng, I came across this clip. Not only did it further my understanding of the nearness of WW3 and why it's so very close but it uses the very words I had used in my previous post. "Bread and Circuses" and "Distraction". This was direct confirmation from the LORD. That I am on the right track in believing how close we are to world war. The reasons why etc.

The narrator is secular and expresses hope that the people will wake up and demand that the system be rectified. This is a pipe dream now. We are so divided - thanks to our governments and their media mouth pieces. We've all joined our little factions and lost the ability to reach out and join hands..... linking us together. Our humanity. Only the return of our LORD Jesus can achieve this.

I thank the LORD God in heaven that I belong to the little faction that has our LORD Jesus as our Savior. I thank Almighty God that I have been blessed with His Holy Spirit and able to see through the glass less darkly. We are on the brink of a massive world war.

We are also on the brink of finally being united with our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ. Praise God.

American Bread & Circus (Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 10)