Fay (25 Nov 2018)
"Is Europe expecting WW3?"

One surely has to ask. Emmanuel (isn't that name rather Biblical?) Macron declared recently that the European Union needs it's own army "to protect itself against Russia, China and the USA". Excuse me? Say what? Where the heck did THAT come from? I think I know...... 2 Timothy 3:13...."While evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived".

It's obvious that President Trump has put a huge spanner in the one world order works. Hence the vitriol and bile that the POTUS is constantly subjected to. This article is brimful of very important information regarding this. How the political leaders are thinking and strategising. They are all waxing worse and worse - deceiving each other. Jockeying for the top job in the new world order they so crave. This is no longer conspiracy theory. It's fact.

Caroline Glick has written a stunningly clear article about all the shenanigans.

Our prayers are needed. We are very close to going Home.

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.

A Desperate Emmanuel Macron Attacks Donald Trump