If the False Prophet is an apostate Christian world leader, he would have to be from the liberal Left side who goes against the teachings in the Bible. I believe that The False Prophet of Rev. 19:20 is a Pope.
Is it not possible since God left the Bible Codes in the Bible for someone to discover that He also left other hidden messages which are anagrams of Bible verses? LEFT HAST HER POPE or THE RASH LEFT POPE are both anagrams for THE FALSE PROPHET. THEREOF PAST HELP is a 3rd anagram for THE FALSE PROPHET.
Indeed The False Prophet is past help because according to Rev. 19:20 he is cast alive along with the beast into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
UNDER ROMAN CATHOLIC POPE, WE'LL DRAW ASTRAY, SNARE U is an anagram for THE WOMAN WAS ARRAYED IN PURPLE AND SCARLET COLOUR. (Rev. 17:4) The woman depicts the mother of harlots in Rev. 17:5.