Neil Lipken (26 Oct 2017)
"Folks are Eager to be Chipped!"

Most people do not have a clue as to what is in the Bible!    And they would not believe it anyway, and they simply do not care!   Surprised?   Shouldn't be!   We are told in the Bible that our time now (since Israel returned as a nation in 1948, which began these End Times) is JUST LIKE the days of Noah (Matt. 24:37-39).   And WHO BELIEVED NOAH?   No one except 7 members of his family!   He had the true message from God and no one believed him!   Same thing today!

Revelation 13:16 King James

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark IN their right hand, or IN their foreheads."

The hour is very late in these End Times.   The Rapture is approaching, followed by the 7 year Tribulation Period leading to the Second Coming of Christ, Who is Israel's long rejected Messiah.   The "chipping" going on now is like the rain drops Noah would have seen as he was loading the ark.   After the Rapture during the Tribulation period "chipping" will become mandatory in order to carry out economic activity.   Anyone refusing the "chip" will be killed as ordered by the antichrist.

P.S.   Never before in all of human history has "chipping" been done.   This is a unique feature to these End Times in which we are living, EXACTLY as prophesied in the Bible!