Fay (26 Nov 2017)
"FOUND IT. Why Solomon's Colonnade in John 10. PURE GOLD."

The LORD God has shown me why this location was detailed in John 10:22. Jesus was in the Temple courts,walking in SOLOMON's COLONNADE. I wondered why this was detailed in the scripture and knew it MUST be significant as there are no wasted words in scripture. Eeeeek, I am so excited to share this with you all. It has all become SO clear. Why the Blood Moon occurred in Tabernacles during the recent tetrads, has also become stunningly clear. Mind blowingly clear.

I refer you again to the ink below. I will quote a chapter out of this article and you'll see why it has hit me between the eyes. Bold caps and emphasis mine.

" Many believe that a more likely reason why we celebrate Hanukkah for 8 days is that the Maccabees, upon recapturing Jerusalem, conducted a BELATED FEAST OF TABERNACLES celebration. Remember, SOLOMON HIMSELF had chosen that very same Feast of Tabernacles to dedicate the Temple when it was newly built. So - the 8 day festival of joy and thanksgiving would have been an especially appropriate way to commemorate the re-dedication of the Temple."

John 10 is all about Jesus leading His sheep out through the gate and giving them (us) eternal life - giving huge hints of the Rapture. The John 10:22 leads us to the Temple courts and Solomon's Colonnade. More or less telling us to explore the connections!!! It is my belief now, that the Blood Moon at Tabernacles was also pointing to a "belated" Feast of Tabernacles that was tied to the 8 days of Hanukkah.

If you'll excuse me now..... I'm off to dance like a demented hippy, in the garden!

Maranatha, LORD Jesus.

Christ in the Feast of Hanukkah - Jews for Jesus-