1 Cor 10:31 (26 Nov 2017)
"Wouldn't it be something?"

IF “now”…. now that we’re in the THINK NOT hour, time & generation…….

NOW that people have hustle & bustle & Christmas shopping on their minds (constantly in a stir:  going to & fro!!)  and life is consistently all about buying & selling……

When the stories have it that Jesus came the first time as a Babe in a manger (rcc people:  He’s been OUT of that bed for a long, long time!!  And neither is He still hanging on the cross!!)   at any rate,

Wouldn’t it be something while everyone’s busy right now……

If JESUS was to come????

Generally I tend to be more of a spring-time watcher myself (yep more so than Rosh Hashanah!!)    However, that does not negate the fact that Jesus could yet come before 2017 is up!!!!  Today?!  This week?!  Or next month?!

Watch and pray always to be accounted worthy to escape all that is about to happen and to stand before the Son of Man.   Luke 21:36