Mary Adams (20 Nov 2016)
"Exciting Days"

Image result for Jesus' soon return 2016
Our world is in a “tizzy” in seems to me.  Some wanting to make changes, but facing stone walls. Others having no clue “what to do”, having “given up” by spending their days trying to escape reality by avoiding it as much as possible,“Making hay while the sun shines...”
By His grace. I’ve managed to live a long life, seen a lot..struggled like so many, but was priviledged to witness the awesomeness of our God in His faithful help and concern for every moment I’ve lived on this planet.  I don’t need to explain or prove anything to anyone when I share what I KNOW, because the realities are like stones which can be boulders someone pulverizes into dust again and again, yet the dust remains—because it is on this planet.  That is what faith means to me.
Having shared that thought with you, I pray you also can look about you and feel yourself breathing with excitement over the hour we are now experiencing.  All that is past, was only leading up to this time, and it is a time to simply WITNESS IT ALL, HAPPENING BEFORE OUR VERY EYES.
I remember years ago I was praying with a young woman with two children.  She was in a situation where her husband was in prison.   He
had never told her about his former incarceration before their marriage, or that he had escaped.  Things were fine...he had a good job, and was now attending church, and they were now where they could even afford to buy a new house.   So they applied for a loan.  But then the ourstanding warrant for his arrest was discovered, and he would now serve out his sentence, plus added years.  She was devastated.
All that I ministered to her was this:
Give this situation to the Lord, and thank and praise Him for His help—in everything give Him thanks, each time it crosses your mind”.
So simple an answer..yet so difficult for all of us to do at times. Yet isn’t it this all that remains for us to do after we truly believe?
The next day, she testified that she tried doing it—and felt much better.
Two weeks later, we ran into each other in another town.  When she saw me, weeping, she immediately began to cry aloud. “I tried it, again and again, but I just can’t keep on!! she exclaimed. 
I stood speechless...what was I to say to her?  She had given it her all...but those circumstances had overpowered her struggle.  “Lord, what do I say to her?” I said inside. 
Then I heard these words: “Tell her that in two weeks, he will be released from prison and never have to go again!”  I spoke them outloud before I could talk myself into saying nothing. But I was now miserable, having to wait to see if God had really spoken, or had I just thought those words.
Sure enough, two weeks later, I was inside a different church and talking with the pastor, when all of a sudden the back doors burst open  and in rushed about 8 people, shouting and rejoicing. And that young woman walked up to me and told us she had just received a phone call from the prison: A man had walked into it with papers that released him from serving his sentence---he was now a free man! What had happened?  He himself had cried out to God there in his prison cell, repented, and the great miracle followed!!
Folks, this is the same situation we all face today: Having shared this testimony with you, I pray you also can look about you and feel yourself breathing with excitement over the hour we too are now experiencing.  All that is past was only leading up to this time, and it is a time to simply WITNESS IT ALL HAPPENING before our very eyes.
Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord’
I am feeling the necessity of our drawing closer together in unity to this historical  hour we are in—and to share our dreams, visions, and other things from the Lord, encouraging one another.  The majority of Christians are “clueless” what God is doing THIS VERY HOUR.  But you who are in a position to share these things with others, do so. Time is of the essence. 
The above is being sent to my list of those most interested in current events---which are happening SO FAST I am not certain just when we will draw a blank page. But this, I believe, is among the most accurant and informative from any Christian website, with insights you might not find elsewhere. Definitely the perspective of a true believer, tuned into today’s events.
Not a well-known---- just another  “watchman on the wall”. 
God bless you all, dear friends. Stay focused!