TH (16 Nov 2014)
"N I B U R U ?"

                              N I B U R U ?

What do we, as watchers, know about this Astronomical Entity "Niburu"? It is
named many different names throughout History and by many different Cultures.
It is even referred to in the BIBLE, it is called APOLLION ( APOLLO?) Some of the
other names are: Nemesis, the Destroyer, Hercolubus, the Blue Star, HEO 437,
Hathor and our modern designation-Planet X. ( I may not have ALL the aforementioned names correct, but the point is it has been known by many names
and cultures). According to all I've read about it on the "net" and other places, if true, poses a REAL THREAT to Earth.  And it's supposedly coming our way and SOON !   
                What have any you heard about this?  Our Scientists tell us that if it is
real and does indeed pass close to us in it's 3600 yr. orbit, it is going to wreck havoc upon the Earth that fits the description of the Wrath of the GREAT TRIB. So
do we have Science confirming Tribulation Disasters and WHEN are they going to
happen ?  I think it bears looking into. What do you guys think? Does anyone have
any info on Planet X ?  How does the TIMING of "Niburu" line up with our concepts
of the RAPTURE TIME LINE ?  Can we derive any relationship between what Science is willing to admit to and what we understand Eschatologically?
             I'd REALLY APPRECIATE anyone's input on this. I think a lot of us would.

                         MARANATHA !
