Phil (16 Nov 2014)
"Philae has Landed"


John and Doves,
One website I saw said it landed at 3:30pm GMT.

3.30 GMT is interesting on its own -  '33'.

3 x 60 + 30 = 210 or 7 x 30 or (7+7+7) x 10.

But there is even more interesting information!

This article says the GMT time the message arrived of the landing was 16:03GMT.!_Rosetta_s_Philae_probe_lands_on_comet

16 x 60 = 960 = 192 x 5 and 192 = 8 x (8+8+8).

And with 8+8 hours gone in the day the number remaining is 8.

16 hours = 66.666666% of the day.

8 hours = 33.333333% of the day. Remarkable!

Remember the opening ceremony of the London Olympics on 27/7/2012 where they had a rural scene with Glastonbury Tor at one end of the stadium? The distance from the actual Glastonbury Tor to the stadium was 192 KM or 119 miles. In the scene were 119 animals according to their own website.

From 27/7/2012 to 12/11/2014 is 838 days and 8x3x8 = 192.

838 days is 119 weeks and 5 days.

Obama wrote on the beam of the new Freedom Tower (One World Trade Centre) on 2/8/2012 which is exactly 119 weeks before 12/11/2014 and 833 days inclusive.

8x3x3 = (6x6) + (6x6) or 6 x (6+6).

8+3+3 = 7+7.

This article says local time was 5pm or 17:00

17 x 60 is 1020.

17 reminds us of MH17 which was 'shot down' on 17/7/2014.

From 17/7/2014 to 12/11/2014 is 119 days including both dates or 7 x 17 days.

From 12/11/2014 to the end of the year = 7 x 7 days!


Keep looking up (but not to the comet or Philae!),
