Mike Curtiss (16 Nov 2014)
"The Fatal Wounding of the Beast, There's a Lot More Going On Here"

Hi Friends,

According to sources on the ground the self proclaimed Caliph of ISIS was killed in a
US airstrike in Syria. On the ground, officials representing ISIS to the mainstream
media denies al-Baghdadi died in the bombing.  

Few American's are aware of the original of this man who was sheep dipped at Gitmo
before his release by the Obama Regime. He soon split from his superiors in Al Qaeda
over the practice of beheading and slaughtering men, women and children who ISIS
judges deemed heretics. 

Fate of ‘critically wounded’ ISIS chief unclear
The leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was

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Al-Baghdadi was previously known as David Elliot, a member of the Israeli Mossad. 
Below is a picture of Elliot meeting with US Senator John McCain who flew to 
Benghazi to make certain a massive weapons transfer to Al Qaeda, FSA and ISIS
was not exposed after enraged Islamists tortured and murdered the US Ambassador
and three other American's operating the illegal weapons transfers.

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