Mathman (2 Nov 2014)
"The “PERHAPS 7-Year” Tribulation Period"


Dear Doves,


Before I even get started on this, let me confirm that I believe with all of my heart that we will be Raptured prior to the start of the Tribulation Period, no matter its length.  However, I am having an extraordinarily difficult time simply accepting the norm that the Tribulation Period has to be 7 years in length.


Indeed, it is my mathematical conclusion that the Tribulation Period could be of any undetermined length in excess of 3.5 years (with 7 years being just one of many possibilities).  In essence, it boils down to one major question.  Why are we so stuck on the Tribulation Period being kicked off by a “peaceful” Anti-Christ making a peace pact with the world / Israel for a seven year period?


I understand which passage this interpretation was taken from and understand the basis for this possible misinterpretation.  Regardless, I do not see any harm in taking a fresh look at the current interpretation and the logic behind it.


Allow me to elaborate.  The whole 7-year peace treaty theory revolves around the interpretation of the following passages from Daniel 9:24-27:


24  Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.


25  Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.


26  And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.


27  And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate”


According to the rules of interpreting Scripture, a pronoun, such as “he”, refers to the last person specifically referenced.  So then, which person does the word “he” in Verse 27 refer to?


The most knowledgeable minds in prophecy have all seemed to agree that the “he” is the Anti-Christ.  This includes Jack Kelley, someone who I greatly admire for his immense knowledge, along with the vast majority of members and contributing writers to this website.


This interpretation of “he” is derived from Verse 26.  Specifically, “he” is interpreted from the part in Verse 26 that says “the prince that shall come”.   In turn, “the prince that shall come” has been commonly interpreted as being the Anti-Christ.  The Anti-Christ, in turn, is subsequently applied to the “he” in Verse 27.


But does this really make sense?  There are three reasons why I believe that this current interpretation does not make sense, outlined as follows:


Reason 1 – “the prince that shall come” is General Titus not the Anti-Christ


The mid-part of Verse 26 specifically says “and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary”.  You will note that the noun in this passage is the “people”, while “the prince that shall come” is the adjective used to describe the noun.  This portion of the passage is therefore describing a “people”, not a person.  On top of this, the prince that ordered his soldiers to destroy the city and the sanctuary was Roman General Titus, which we all know was not the Anti-Christ.  If this sentence is looked at in detail and analyzed carefully, the more natural interpretation is as follows:


-      This passage clearly indicates that, at some future date, the city and the sanctuary shall be destroyed (with the benefit of hindsight, we now know such date of destruction to have been 70 AD)


-      This passage clearly indicates that the person who shall order this destruction, while not on the scene at the time of Daniel, “shall come” in the future (again, with the benefit of hindsight, we now know such person to have been Roman General Titus)


-      This passage clearly indicates that the people of this prince shall be the ones to carry out this destruction (again, with the benefit of hindsight, we now know these people were the soldiers acting under the brutal orders of General Titus)


If the rule of interpretation is to always use the most obvious choice in the Bible for interpretation, then “the prince that shall come” must refer to General Titus.  If God wanted us to interpret this as the Anti-Christ, why wouldn’t He have instead said “the prince that shall come at the end of times” (or something similar)?  IMO, it has been man’s interpretation and his alone to decide to put words in God’s mouth by applying this verse as if the words “at the end of times” (or something similar) was contained in this passage.


As a result, the next logical step would be to institute the requirement to exclude from contention that the “people” or “the prince that shall come” could be the most recent “he” prior to Verse 27.  As such, we instead land directly and firmly on the “he” being the Great Messiah, Jesus Christ, who is specifically referred to in the first part of Verse 26.


Reason 2 – It is a fantastic stretch to interpret “confirm the covenant with many for one week” to be a seven year peace-treaty between Israel and the World:


The definition of “confirm” means that a covenant would have already had to have been put into place and is now being verified.  In order to make this work, we have to assume that a peace treaty would have already been in place.  Then, and only then, can the Anti-Christ come and “confirm” this already established peace-treaty.  This is not logical.


Instead, I use the rule that has been drilled into me from the moment I joined this site.  The Bible must be used to interpret the Bible.  If we do so, the above interpretation blatantly fails this rule.


Therefore, where do we find God’s interpretation of “covenant” in the Bible, as opposed to our commonly used interpretation?  We find it in the same Person as established in the conclusion of Reason 1 – the very same Lord Jesus Christ.  It was Jesus who was predicted to be the future sacrificial Lamb to be provided by God to confirm His covenant with Abraham and his seed as outlined in Genesis 22:8-14.


The fact that it was Jesus who was to confirm this sacred covenant is contained in John 1:29, which reads “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world”, the very same lamb foretold in Genesis 22:8-14.  Once one sees who this covenant should be assigned to (Jesus), would it not be an error, though an exceedingly common one among Christians, to instead assign this covenant to the Anti-Christ.


To put it another way, the “70th Week” is the pinnacle of Daniel 9 and God has given it special emphasis.  It has many purposes, but the primary one God lists is that it is to “confirm a covenant”, which is the Lord Jesus sacrificed on the cross.  To put it into perspective, look at the following two potential covenants for Daniel 9 and ask yourself which is the one important enough for God to make it the whole focus of the 70th Week:


-      A 7 year peace treaty between Israel and the World as established by the Anti-Christ


-      To confirm a covenant between God and the World that He would send His only begotten Son so that all who believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life


I, for one, shall choose the latter one.  How about you?


Reason 3 – where does the Bible confirm that the Tribulation will last 7 years? 


When something is REALLY important in the Bible, it is always established more than once.  For example, in establishing the Anti-Christ’s reign of terror as 1260 days, the Bible verifies this period several times, both in the Old Testament and the New Testament.  God wanted us to know the length of the Anti-Christ’s reign without any doubts.


However, where is the confirmation in the Bible that the Tribulation is to last for exactly 7 years (or 2520 days to be more specific)?  Go ahead and look!  You won’t find it.  IMO, if God wanted us to know that the Tribulation Period was to last 2520 days, why is it not mentioned two or more times in the Bible?  Why is this length of time not outlined in Revelation?  I’ll tell you why – because, IMO, it’s not true!!


I know what you may be asking yourself – “but if this guy doesn’t believe the “he” in Verse 27 refers to the Anti-Christ formalizing a 7-year peace treaty with Israel and the World, then what exactly does he think Verse 27 means?”




Excellent question!  But first, let me reiterate Verse 27 as follows:


27  And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate”


As mentioned above, the more logical interpretation of “he” in Verse 27 above is that of Jesus.  To reiterate, the purpose of the “70th week” is to confirm the covenant. That is, the covenant established by God with Abraham that He would send Messiah in order to reconcile the lost with Him.  However, this verse also describes the future rejection of Jesus by both the Jews and Gentiles alike, with the Anti-Christ being their ultimate and final punishment for doing so.


Let me elaborate.  Have you ever wondered why Jesus’ ministry only lasted 3.5 years, the very same 3.5 years that the Anti-Christ will reign?  Wonder no longer.  Each are the two halves that make up the “70th week”, combining to form the perfect 2520 day plan of God.  Half of the “70th week” has been completed in our Savior Jesus Christ, the other half of which is still to come in the form of punishment brought upon the world through the Anti-Christ.


In the perfection that is God, let’s look at it another way.  Jesus ministry lasted 3.5 years and ended with Him being the “Ultimate Sacrifice”, which in turn was to “cause (the need for) the sacrifice and the oblation to cease” (even though the Jews didn’t realize it and continued to perform sacrifices until the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD – however, they failed to realize the significance of the ribbon never turning white again once Jesus died).


In direct contrast, the Anti-Christ’s “ministry” from Hell will last the same 3.5 years and will begin with him being the “Ultimate Abomination”, again in order to “cause (by force) the sacrifice and the oblation to cease”.  However, as you all know, this won’t happen because of the Anti-Christ’s powers.  It will be fully allowed by God as decreed by Him in order to administer His punishment to the World for rejecting His Son!


I am not trying to be divisive.  Feel free to disagree – I know many will.  However, at least give what I wrote a chance and really read the above carefully before coming to a conclusion that I am out to lunch on this.  After all, something repeated often enough and believed by the majority, whether for the worst or best of intentions, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the “Gospel Truth”.  Otherwise, we would still think we were living on a “flat” earth.


In conclusion, while it is possible that the Tribulation Period will be 7 years in length and be kicked off by a 7 year peace treaty that is broken half way through, this is only one of MANY Tribulation Period scenarios that must be 3.5 years in length or more.  Again, if the “7 year Tribulation Period” or the “7 year Peace Treaty” or the “3.5 years of peace Post-Rapture lead up to the Great Tribulation” is ANYWHERE else in Scripture as a “Second Witness”, please point out my error and I’ll be the first to retract this article…


*             *                  *                  *                    *                *


Brothers and sisters, are you ready to meet the Lord in the sky?  Repent and believe that grace is by faith alone and can ONLY be attained through Jesus Christ.  Get ready and leave the temptations of this world behind and ready yourself as a Bride.


Surely, time is almost up.


YbiC, MathMan