Lisa S (30 Nov 2014)
"Thank you for Pastor Bob, a TRUTHSPEAKER"

There is so much more I could say, both from what I have learned and my own experiences in dealing with the diabolical lie, the so called "IRS", as well as other facets of the Vatican's government BUSINESS scam against the American people I have learned  ("police", "judges", elected officials, "IRS", all alphabet agencies, DMV, RMV, "tax" assessors and collectors etc. are private contractors and it is for their personal, financial advantage to trap, frame, falsely accuse us and destroy our lives.  See the Rod Class article I mailed you last time "Four Administrative Rulings".  THEY CONSTANTLY LIE.  THEY DON'T CARE WHO THEY DESTROY.  I THINK THEY ENJOY DESTROYING PEOPLE). 
Since Satan is a liar and the prince of liars, everything about these institutions and positions is a lie, and especially the fake "tax", a diabolical masterpiece of lies.  I cannot explain it here, but I can verbally.  It's just too much to write.  If you ever have any questions, call me 413 644-8909.  I have so much more to say about this evil Vatican "government" AND THEIR FAKE LAW TACTICS,  that is planning to destroy Protestant and Jewish America, which is informative and enlightening as to why the police and courts are so evil, and can "ignore the law" and why there are 8 times as many Americans in jail then in communist China.  It's all about robbing the American people and making merchandize of them through extremely lucrative PRISONER BONDS and an anti-Protestant religious agenda as well.  The Vatican is working hard to create race hatred CONSTANTLY against "whites" and "blacks".  They thrive in chaos because then they can come in with more of their jack boots and phony laws.  That is why the Jesuits have been kicked out of 83 countries, so of them with Catholic monarchs.  They're up to their old tricks in America and no one is stopping them. These police and judges and the whole cabal of Vatican USA/Freemason USA are EVIL.   But I must be asked specific questions because the subject is huge. UNITED STATES (a business) statutes are not laws, they are fake laws that have never been passed into law and we must learn how to make these gangsters responsible for the damage they do to us.   They are perpetrating a soft genocide against Protestant and Jewish America, and I have even heard from a source that sounded credible, that the bishop of the diosece tells the judge what to "decide". 
The UNITED STATES business is being run from Georgetown, and they Jesuits tell the politicians what to do.  That includes the president of course and EVERYONE on down. We are being run by Jesuit priests.  The Archbishop at Saint Patricks Cathedral in NY is more powerful than the president.  I believe he is in charge of the NY Mafia because the NY diosece is the most wealthy in the world.  He answers to the head Jesuit of that province.  And the head Jesuit of that province answers to James Grummer, who is one of 5 Jesuit assistants of the Jesuit General in Rome.  The Catholic cult is top down control, and everyone does what the one above them tells them to do.  THAT IS WHY THEY ARE SO DANGEROUS.  THEY ARE A CULT, down to the little policeman or judge or local "government".  IT IS A TOP DOWN TYRANNY AND THE MOST DANGEROUS ENTITY ON PLANET EARTH THAT HAS EVER EXISTED IN HUMAN HISTORY.  Pastor Bob is so right to warn us. God bless Pastor Bob.  The fake laws in this nation are very dangerous and will be used to genocide those who don't go along with the Vatican program to destroy our soul.
We are in the position on this sorry continent,  purposely designed by diabolical Vatican minds, the Jesuits, so that liars, Satanists, torturers and killers can accuse us of having wrong thoughts, because essentially, that is what the accusations are based on, both the "IRS" accusations and many of their FAKE statutes.  The courts will never listen to the truth, because the  d/b/a  JUDGES (they are administrators, not judges) job is to steal from the American people - they make a generous piece of the action in their retirement accounts - and they and the "police", the "defense lawyer" and the prosecutor are in cahoots.  I could explain this specifically, how they are creating a show in the court that is all PREPLANNED for the "defendant" to lose. THEY A GANG OF THUGS AND VERY DANGEROUS CRIMINALS.  (as a current example: listen to  the you tube "Nightmare in Murrietta" for another outrage that is being perpetrated by the gang of thugs in blue, good Knights of Columbus or Freemasons obedient to the Jesuits, against an American family, the Dortch family.)  I wish I could explain how the criminals attack, accuse and destroy, but it is too complicated to write in this email.  THEY ARE PERPETRATING THE MOST EVIL AND DEEP FRAUD ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, and I include the "judges' and "police" who are despicable beyond words.  They are perpetrating a soft genocide with their lies and their evil system of extortion.  And of course, that goes for the third party debt collector, the "IRS", which doesn't even exist by that name.  THEY ARE A VATICAN TOOL OF GENOCIDE AND THE "IRS" IS CONTROLLED BY THE JESUITS, WHO HAND THE "IRS" private contractor thieves/liars/Satanists/bloodthirsty genocidalists and many CATHOLICS according to Alberto Rivera,  A LIST EVERY MONTH OF PEOPLE TO TARGET.  That is what Alberto Rivera said, and he shouted "I can prove this in a court of law.  I have the evidence.  Maybe then we can cure America of this cancer!"
Listen to Rod Class on talkshoe 48631.  He has hundreds of talks breaking down their fake, evil statutes and how they trap us in their system, specifically.  Rod Class is in jail now because he is revealed the truth of their evil tactics.  BEHIND ALL THE EVIL IN AMERICA IS THE VATICAN.  The battle is being fought in the courts, the "police", local "government", they are all out to destroy our lives with their fake laws.  We are supposed to believe their laws are real, because they say so and are published in books!  THEY ARE PRIVATE CONTRACTORS AND MAKE A PIECE OF THE ACTION WHEN WE OBEY THEIR FAKE, EVIL "LAWS". Those are PRIVATE LAWS that apply to them, to their administration, not to us. Real people are men and women, these statutes are for "persons" or "taxpayers" or "drivers" or "residents".  These entities are merely PAPERWORK IN DC and not real people.  IT'S A HORRIBLE, VICIOUS SCAM AND ALL THESE PRIVATE CONTRACTORS ARE VERY COMPROMISED PEOPLE AND THEY ARE PARTICIPATING IN GENOCIDE.
The courts and police are a tool of "soft genocide" and THEY HAVE NO LAWS.  They are a gang who are all involved in FINANCIALLY RAPING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE for the Vatican.  The goal, since the Council of Trent, is to destroy non papists, and this gang of thugs uses fake laws, pushed down our throats by their "good" Knights of Columbus" (read their vow on the internet) or Freemasons, who are also obedient to the pope.  These THUGS, cruel, mentally and emotionally twisted people, SATANISTS are predators who operate in gangs, and must destroy Jews and Christians as their "sacrifice" to their god Satan, OR FOR THE POPE OF ROME OR THEIR "WORSHIPUFL MASTER". ITS A RELIGIOUS ATTACK AGAINST AMERICANS.   Ex witches have reported seeing judges and police and elected officials at their "sacrifices".  SATANISTS ARE MANDATED TO DESTROY NON SATANISTS.  THOSE ARE CONSIDERED "SACRIFICES" TO SATAN.  The Vatican is the mommy of Satanism.  Satanism is one of her children and the hierarchy must "sacrifice" babies to hold their positions.  THIS IS A RELIGIOUS WAR WE ARE IN.  From Charles Chiniquiy's FIFTY YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF ROME.  Some quotes from Abraham Lincoln.
"Unfortunately, I feel more and more, every day, that it is not against the Americans of the South, alone, I am fighting, it is more against the Pope of Rome, his perfidious Jesuits and their blind and blood-thirsty slaves, than against the real American Protestants, that we have to defend ourselves...Even the Protestant ministers are under the influence of the Jesuits without suspecting it. ...For it is a fact, which is now evident to me, that, with very few exceptions, every priest and every true Roman Catholic is a determined enemy of Liberty...The history of these last thousand years tells us that wherever the Church of Rome is not a dagger to pierce the bosom of a free nation, she is a stone to her neck, and a ball to her feet, to paralyze her, and prevent her advance in the ways of civilization, science, intelligence, happiness and liberty”( Quote from Abraham Lincoln to ex-priest Charles Chiniquiy, from his Fifty Years in the Church of Rome)
I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would, at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character, it would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free, ect." (Abraham Lincoln quote, from Charles Chiniquiy Fifty Years in the Church of Rome)
The very moment that Popery assumed the right of life and death on a citizen of France, Spain, Germany, England, or the United States, it assumed to be the power, the government of France, Spain, England, Germany, and the United States. Those States then committed a suicidal act by allowing Popery to put a foot on their territory with the privilege of citizenship. The power of life and death is the supreme power, and two supreme powers cannot exist on the same territory without anarchy, riots, bloodshed, and civil wars without end. When Popery will give up the power of life and death which it proclaims on its own divine power, in all its theological books and canon laws, then, and then alone, it can be tolerated and can receive the privileges of citizenship in a free country. (Abraham Lincoln quote, from Charles Chiniquiy Fifty Years in the Church of Rome)
"Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse, and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people to-day. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to every one that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him religion. (Abraham Lincoln quote, from Charles Chiniquiy Fifty Years in the Church of Rome)

Vatican declares its murderous hatred for Bible believers

Therefore the pope ordered "that malicious and abominable sect of malignants," if they "refuse to abjure, to be crushed like venomous snakes."--Wylie, b. 16, ch. 1.
"Experience teaches that there is no other remedy for the evil, but to put heretics (Protestants) to death; for the (Romish) church proceeded gradually and tried every remedy: at first she merely excommunicatied them; afterwards she added a fine; then she banished them; and finally she was constrained to put them to death." -Cardinal Bellarmine famous champion of Romanism cited by Schumucker p. 76
Catholic youth are trained by their priests from childhood to destroy (I can't supply the priests' proud boasts here of how they twist the minds of their children to hate Protestants and Jewish people, but PRETEND TO BE THEIR FRIENDS.  This is what they do before they massacred the Protestants in France and Ireland).  It is these good "Catholic" youth, who are put into government positions, especially the so called "police". Homeland Security is a Jesuit creation, as are CIA, all of the alphabet agencies and all of what you believe is "government". Both ex Jesuit Alberto Rivera and ex priest Bernard Fresenborg warned that this stacking of "government" with Catholics was the long range plan of the Vatican and that by their own canon law, they must hire Catholics above all others, who will do what their sick, demented priests tell them to do. Catholics MUST VOTE for Catholics in elected office: that is canon law.  That is what Bernard Fresenborg, ex priest wrote in his book "30 Years in Hell".  The Vatican is truly a cage for every hateful bird (spirit).  They are trained to hate normal Americans and they are given a LICENSE to use their phony laws to destroy our lives, a nice percentage of their thefts going into the retirement accounts.  THEY ARE THUGS.  Knights of Columbus are being raised up, just as the Ustachi in Yugoslavia were, to terrorize and murder Americans through their "police" departments.  They are just itching to set Americans up so they can be "drunk with the blood of the saints".  When the Vatican speaks peace and love, they LIE. 
The Catholic (or Freemason brothers or Mormons, all controlled by the Jesuit General) are rewarded for their crimes by very generous retirement accounts.  Alberto Rivera revealed that the Knights of Columbus are a branch of the Ustachi.   They stuff fake "law" accusations against Protestant and Jewish victims (they love to steal from the Jewish people) that they have not an iota of authority or law to make.  You have to understand the evil commercial law that is used in the UNITED STATES, which is a business.  The business of the UNITED STATES, its 50 STATE OF franchises and its municipalities and courts, is stealing from our social security trust (could be worth so much that we would be unable to spend it in our lifetimes) by accusing us of their phony crimes, which are statutes that HAVE NEVER BEEN PASSED INTO LAW.  The resolution to print the laws was passed, but not the laws themselves.  It's another twisted tale of woe for the American people.  People keep on saying that "Obama is destroying the Constitution" but they don't understand the evil law of PRESUMPTION that unless you KNOW HOW TO object to their power grab, it is presumed you CONSENTED TO IT.  BUT YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THEIR FAKE LAWS AND HOW TO CHALLENGE THEM.  HOWEVER, THEY HAVE HIDDEN THE LAWS and when you speak out for the truth, as I have, the send in their goons, their violent, evil lawless tools of the "IRS", the fake courts and the fake judges and their lying lawyers, to destroy you which is very easy because anything you say will be ignored.  THE VATICAN IS THE MOST HIGHLY DANGEROUS CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION.   We must learn how to hold them financially responsible, because "IRS", judges, police, local government, none of them will ever acknowledge truth.  They will keep on lying and deceiving and tricking and destroying until they are held financially liable.  We have to understand their own laws and figure out how to hold these thieves financially responsible for their evil deeds...and this goes from the top to the very local level.  They are just as much thieves and killers as the "IRS".  That's my unfortunate experience.  They use the "IRS" as their hatchet men and since a private bank controls money, they have been given, unlawfully, entry into our lives.  Not until we can hold these satanists  (Freemsons and Catholic cult, Mormon cult etc) personally responsible (that includes ALL OF THE PRIVATE CONTRACTORS) and financially responsible, they will keep on mocking us and imposing more evil laws on us, sneaking around, snooping trying to "pop up" and accuse us of breaking one of their fake laws.  THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO ACCUSE ANYONE.  What it amounts to at this point is that besides committing fraud, the private contractors for the UNITED STATES, INC. are major EXTORTIONISTS AND VERY EVIL and it is their task to impoverish, weaken, imprison and destroy Protestant America.  THEY ARE GIVEN THEIR ACCESS TO OUR COMMERCIAL SYSTEM BECAUSE THEY ARE LOYAL TO THE POPE OR THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER.  THIS IS A RELIGIOUS ATTACK AGAINT non papists. They have been guaranteed by their franchisor, the UNITED STATES, INC., that they can plunder the American people with no negative repurcussions.  They have a LICENSE TO STEAL, or so they believe.  The courts will not hold them to account because the judges are their fellow racketeers.   In England, privateers were given the right to plunder the French vessels.  This is what these fake government employees are doing to us. 
They have, the good cathylic cultists and Mormons and Satanists and whatever other cults meet the qualification of DEGENERATE AND LOYAL TO THE POPE, been given letters of marquee to PLUNDER AND DESTROY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, which the UNITED STATES, INC., OWNED BY THE VATICAN, SEES AS ITS ENEMY, because we are operating under admiralty/commercial "law".  For example, our automobile is considered a "vessel" so the pirate in blue ("police") can accost and plunder us.  THIS IS THE WAY THESE MADMEN THINK.  THEY ARE LIVING IN A DELUSION (it's called a "fiction" - in the real world a "fiction" is a LIE), WHICH IS A NIGHTMARE FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE:
"In the days of fighting sail, a letter of marque and reprisal was a government license authorizing a person (known as a privateer) to attack and capture enemy vessels and bring them before admiralty courts for condemnation and sale."  (end of definition)
 The fake laws in our courts are private, admiralty, commercial laws, and these employees are LITERAL PIRATES, and that includes your local "government".  They have been given authority to plunder us and if we question their laws, they become vicious, vengeful, destructive and EVIL.  THAT IS MY EXPERIENCE OVER 8 YEARS.
Beware of Agenda 21.  It's not Obama that is the problem, it's all of us for not FIGURING OUT THIS VATICAN/JESUIT SCAM we falsely believe is government.
Charles Chiniquiy, ex priest, wrote in 50 YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF ROME, that "Rome is constantly at war against the rights and liberties of man, BUT ESPECIALLY SO IN THE UNITED STATES"  Commercial law, a derivative of maritime law,  comes under Vatican canon law, it was originally the Law Merchant.  The Vatican owns and therefore controls all central banks, and thus controls our Federal Reserve.  Listen to the you tube "Jesuit Control of Banking" by Eric Jon Phelps.  His book: "Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends" is a fantastic summary, a history, of the Vatican.  It is a must read.  I am now reading Phelps' original sources and HE DOES NOT EXAGERATE.  The ones who have come out the strongest against the Vatican, are EX-PRIESTS, who have lived with the INSANITY up close for years.  Whoever can create money out of thin air, controls all the governments of the world...and that is the Vatican, which controls all the central banks of the world.  This situation is right out of Revelation 17 and 18!
"Unfortunately, I feel more and more, every day, that it is not against the Americans of the South, alone, I am fighting, it is more against the Pope of Rome, his perfidious Jesuits and their blind and blood-thirsty slaves, than against the real American Protestants, that we have to defend ourselves...Even the Protestant ministers are under the influence of the Jesuits without suspecting it. ...For it is a fact, which is now evident to me, that, with very few exceptions, every priest and every true Roman Catholic is a determined enemy of Liberty...The history of these last thousand years tells us that wherever the Church of Rome is not a dagger to pierce the bosom of a free nation, she is a stone to her neck, and a ball to her feet, to paralyze her, and prevent her advance in the ways of civilization, science, intelligence, happiness and liberty”( Quote from Abraham Lincoln to ex-priest Charles Chiniquiy, from his Fifty Years in the Church of Rome)
I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would, at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character, it would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free, ect." (Abraham Lincoln quote, from Charles Chiniquiy Fifty Years in the Church of Rome)
The very moment that Popery assumed the right of life and death on a citizen of France, Spain, Germany, England, or the United States, it assumed to be the power, the government of France, Spain, England, Germany, and the United States. Those States then committed a suicidal act by allowing Popery to put a foot on their territory with the privilege of citizenship. The power of life and death is the supreme power, and two supreme powers cannot exist on the same territory without anarchy, riots, bloodshed, and civil wars without end. When Popery will give up the power of life and death which it proclaims on its own divine power, in all its theological books and canon laws, then, and then alone, it can be tolerated and can receive the privileges of citizenship in a free country. (Abraham Lincoln quote, from Charles Chiniquiy Fifty Years in the Church of Rome)
"Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse, and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people to-day. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to every one that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him religion. (Abraham Lincoln quote, from Charles Chiniquiy Fifty Years in the Church of Rome)

Vatican declares its murderous hatred for Bible believers

Therefore the pope ordered "that malicious and abominable sect of malignants," if they "refuse to abjure, to be crushed like venomous snakes."--Wylie, b. 16, ch. 1.
"Experience teaches that there is no other remedy for the evil, but to put heretics (Protestants) to death; for the (Romish) church proceeded gradually and tried every remedy: at first she merely excommunicatied them; afterwards she added a fine; then she banished them; and finally she was constrained to put them to death." -Cardinal Bellarmine famous champion of Romanism cited by Schumucker p. 76