K.S. Rajan (23 Nov 2014)


In this week's Koenig's Eye View from the White House

Saudi Led OPEC Attempting to Crash U.S. Oil Shale Production as Price Tumbles

Will Russia, Iran, and Venezuela, Who Have Been Devastated by Falling Oil Prices, Take Military Action and Put the U.S., the EU and Israel at Risk?

Irony: EU Pressuring Israel to Make Peace With Muslims Who Are Filling European Cities and Threatening Their Existence

Koenig Exclusive: Report From European Parliament Pro-Israel Meeting (Part 2)

EU Parliament Debates a Palestinian State, to Vote in December

EU to Israel: If You Want to Get Along With Us, Make Peace

Netanyahu: EU Calls to Recognize Palestine Push Peace Away

What Was the Purpose of Pope Francis' Message to the Secular EU Parliament?

Obama Finds Midterm Scapegoat in Hagel

How the Obama Administration Has Already Caved to Iran

AIPAC Statement on Iran Talks Extension

News Briefs: The Latest on Afghanistan, Anti-Semitism, China, Germany, Iran, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, the United States and the 'War on Terror'