K.S. Rajan (2 Nov 2014)


Are We At The End Of A 6000 Year Plan Put In Place By God?

Is a 6000 year plan for earth true? Does that mean the end is near? Jesus and His apostles once told us to watch for signs of the end of the age and the coming of Christ. But people have been watching for centuries since the death and resurrection of Christ. Why should we be any closer now? What makes our generation so special? Many Christians believe that God does indeed have a 6000 year plan before bringing an end to normal human history by the second coming of Christ–plus a 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ on earth after that (Rev. 20:4-6). We come to that conclusion by interpreting scripture with scripture. When we read Genesis chapter 1, we see that God created the sky, sun, moon, stars, sea, earth, grass, trees, vegetation, birds, sea creatures, land animals, and humans in 6 days. "Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day." (Gen. 1:31

Does US Government Believe We Are At The End Of God's 6000 Year Plan? Is This Why, As Antichrist Nears, Israel-US Relations Have Moved To Crisis Mode?
There is a crisis with the Americans and it needs to be addressed as a crisis, Finance Minister Yair Lapid said Saturday after ongoing tensions between Washington and Jerusalem led US officials to block Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon from meeting with senior administration officials during his current US visit. Earlier on Friday, Ynet revealed that the Obama administration refused the Israeli defense minister's request to meet with other top officials, including Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry, and the National Security Advisor Susan Rice. Since then, reports have said the same officials tried to prevent Ya'alon from meeting with the US' UN ambassador Samantha Power – and when the two did meet, Ya'alon reportedly heard mostly of Power's objection to settlement construction. During the last bout of US-led peace talks, Ya'alon dubbed Kerry's diplomatic efforts "obsessive and messianic," saying

Right On Time? Jerusalem “Cauldron” Begins Simmering
As a result of the recent escalation of terror and violence in Jerusalem, law enforcement agencies are working Sunday to bring more security forces to the capital. An additional 1,000 Israeli Police and Border Patrol forces will be on hand to oversee security in eastern Jerusalem. Security forces are expected to work together with the Tax Authority, the Bailiff's Office and Jerusalem's Municipality with the intention of dealing with rioters and carrying out enforcement actions in eastern Jerusalem. Police plan to operate in three main sectors of the city - their additional presence lasting at least a month. Escalated tensions in the capital were felt all of last week, particularly after Wednesday's terrorist attack, which killed 3-month-old, Chaya Zisel Braun and injured eight others - some critically. The tensions continued last night, when Palestinian youths clashed with security forces in several neighborhoods of eastern Jerusalem