K.S. Rajan (2 Nov 2014)


It does look like war is coming over Jerusalem. Abbas wants the fight, as he probably thinks the world will back him against Israel.

Look what is happening now. ISIS is at war and wants to create a caliphate. Russia is biding its time until it will attack NATO. The intifada is brewing in Israel along with the rocky world economy. All this is coming together at the same time. It really does look like 2015 is going to be a year of destiny.

 Abbas Calls for ‘Jerusalem Intifada’ – Just Like Arafat Did 10/28/14 According to Obadiah 1:15, an all-out war is to take place between the Jews and Muslims immediately prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It does seem that the all-out war is very close. The tension is building by the day.

“Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s call to prevent Jews from entering the Temple Mount – the holiest site in Judaism – using “all means necessary” two weeks ago has gone viral on PA TV. The remarks inciting violence in the midst of daily Arab riots on the site were broadcast 19 times in just three days on PA TV, focusing on the part of the speech where he called for violence against Jews who “defile” the site Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) exposed the propaganda campaign – and noted that it bears uncanny similarity to the calls of former PA Chairman Yasser Arafat, who slammed then-MK Ariel Sharon for “defiling” the site in 2000 and thereby instigated the Second Intifada. The five-year terror campaign to “defend Al-Aqsa Mosque” murdered 1,200 Israelis.”

Do not fear what is coming, but rather, stay focused on the Groom coming for His bride. This is the time for an all-out commitment to the Lord with NO holding back. It is now or never as soon the Groom will come for us.