Jovial (9 Nov 2014)
""The Plan""

I was listening to a radio show last week and it also talked about the potential plan to round up all dissenters and put them in camps.  He said this potential for military misuses was forseen in the 70s, and a plan called "The Plan" was put in place on what to do if our Generals order that citizens be arrested or shot or whatever.  Most officers know about this plan.

Most tr00ps are taught that if they are ever ordered to fire on citizens, they are to arrest their commanding officer.  The man discussing this said he was in this situation in Vietnam, and his commander ordered his platoon to fire on citizens in that war.  He refused and drew his gun on the commander.  Others in the platoon, about 3 or 4, drew to defend their commander.  The rest of the platoon pulled their guns on those 3 or 4.  The orders were changed and the incident was never reported.  It all happened in a handful of seconds with each man simply instinctly doing what was in his heart about what was morally right.

He believes a similar situation will happen if the Generals give an order to round up all dissenters in America.  He claims that there are enough military officers who have been correctly trained that the first time we hear about this, it will be a news story about Generals being arrested for ordering a military takeover of America.  He is betting on the fact that over 90% of the military will disobey an order like that because despite the efforts of those that are in charge, most Americans still believe in freedom, and those who believe in Evil aren't willing to die for it.  Most men who joined the military did so because they believe in what our country stands for and they are willing to die for those beliefs.  Evil men intent on taking over America aren't willing to die for anything, including power, and when push comes to shove, they will lay down their arms.

I hope he is right.  However, Nazi German did not turn out that way.  They obeyed their orders.  If Glenda is right, prayer can change everything in this struggle.  So pray for our men in the armed forces that right will win over wrong if this ever happens and that those with the right sense of morality will be brave enough to make the right move at the right time.


