Harvey Troyer (30 Nov 2014)

Please read the following Bible Passage from Jeremiah 51:35-43(NIV--1984).  I am overwhelmingly certain that this Feast is none other than "Thanksgiving Day" Thursday (Thor's Day) 11:27:14 and Black Friday follows the next day.

November 24, 2014 (This post was sent shortly after MN on 12:23:14; but, without this attached PDF.  Please open and read the PDF first; it is only one page).




Remember that  special 11:11:7 was linked to sunset Monday, Monday November 10, 2014 (a 2-Week Warning) to November 24, 2014.


And now this amazing "Ground Hog Day" type Midnight Rapture Template Grid covering 2 days sunset to sunset, emerges and actually perfectly links "the final second" of today, November 24, 2014 with the first second of Wednesday November 26, 2014.


In addition today can be amazingly protrayed as 11: 24/7 as in Judgment 24/7.   Gematria 11 = Judgment for Disorder.


The Illuminati-FreeMasons have "Ordo Ab Chao", Order out of Chaos as there Motto and daily practice.


So, here we see them getting Judgment hurled back at them right out of the starting gate of the Rapture and Sudden Destruction. 


I had never heard of the 25th Hour Movie, a horribly vulger movie, until 2 or 3 days ago.   Someone, perhaps an angel, put it on my TV live while I was watching a Turner classic movie on Comcast 501.  I had just eaten a big supper and sat in my EZ Chair and dosed of for a bit and then awoke to this crazy movie on a different channel. They say that with some TV's they can watch what we are doing, etc.  It happened another time a day later when out of nowhere an old version of Gunfight at the OK corral, originally with Henry Fonda, came on my TV and I had no control over it to record it or anything except to change the channel or turn off the TV.  You must know that they read our Emails and I'm sure they read mine and my posts.


Anyway, they actually, I asked myself this same question before I decided to send it to you. 


Many watchers now no longer believe that Ron Reese's 7 Year Tribulation Grid has any validity or is worth a mention. I believe that this is totally wrong.  I still believe that it will wrap up with the 4th BRM of the Tetrad September 28, 2015.  I have found every mentioned timeline and they are all fulfilled including the 2300 day timeline; some are just not quite fulfilled the way that most expected.  Because of this very fact, I feel the need to present the following information to strengthen in peoples minds the most real probability that the Rapture must happen any day now.   Many started out believing in a Mid-Trib Rapture. Following I is the  Math that shows us that we have used up 2.69 Years since April 11, 2012 the original Mid-Trib dateThat leaves only 0.81 Years remaining out of the 3.5 Years of Wrath. Time does not allow me to say more at this time than that which follows.  If we really are about to be snatched up, then this is news that many need to know.


Last evening over supper I watched a clip of my DVD Secretariat Movie as I felt a promting from the LORD.  I watched the part of the Preakness one mile race over an on the movie screen   (Tell a Vision ) set.  In other words, I was watching the Movie and in the Disney movie the Preakness race was shown by simply photographing a 1973 era TV so that I was viewing that old TV showing the Preakness Race for real as it was recorded back then in 1973.  The picture in read above is what flashed in my mind and I asked the voice, what do you want me to tell.  I realized more intensely how Tell a Vision is a tool for deception par excellence in the devil's hands.  Then as I watched I saw the following two things immediately that I had never caught before:


1) Heywood Hale Broun (Woodie) has a "BEMA SEAT" JUDGMENT NAME.  Wood, Hay and Stubble are mentioned that will be burned up.  Being Amish as a youth, the pronunciation of his last name in German (he is German) is what I always heard when something was burning in the Kitchen or anywhere.  "Hay Wood" missed only the Stubble.  His mother was a well-known New York Feminist Journalist, Ruth Hale.


I have believed for many years that the BEMA is a Judgment taking place in Real Time down here. All will appear before the LORD Jesus to give and account.  The Ecclesia or Bride will not be allowed into heaven unless there sins are all repented from and forgiven.  For these, only an awards ceremony awaits.  Read Isaiah 33:17-24 and especially the last verse; and then go back and read verses 5 and 6.  Isaiah 33:6 is KEY;  the fear of the LORD is the "KEY" to this treasure (sic) the prize being to get into and inherit the Kingdom of God; read it in the NIV--1984 Ed.   There are many other passages. Leftbehinders will pay for their sin by dying as martyrs to get in.  Self explanatory; nothing more required. 


Did the Prodigal son have a BEMA Seat Judgment when he came home? No!  However, all who are not worthy to get into the Kingdom of God and are damned with have their appearance before Jesus Christ after a thousand years and will know why they are being sent to the LOF or Lake of Fire.  Finally, let me add that the uncountable millions and million of martyrs, most by beheading, will have, indeed, entered the Kingdom of God as if by passing through the fire.  They were all left behind exactly because their works were abominable wood hay and stubble at the time of the Rapture.  It's that simple.  I guess we shall soon see who if right about this.  John Hagee tells America about his famous "Sniff Test" where everyone is running around Heaven to smell their clothes to see if they smell like smoke.  Sniffing is for dogs and only good cute little four-legged doggies make it.  No 2 legged humoid dogs get into Heaven period!

My Booklet on Beheading--God's Final Safety Net After the Rapture is available free (below) just incase anyone wants to cram for the exam at this late moment.


2) In the Preakness Secretariat won by 2 and a half to 3 lengths (sic) is what the announcer said. He won the Belmont Stake by 31 = Offspring lengths.  Then it dawned on me, that I, Harvey Troyer am the man who discovered recently Obama's 911 Secret that 911 Days is exactly 2.5 Years (4.11.12 to 10.8.14 the 2nd BRM of the Tetrad) see my posts -- it's all documented meticulously.  I about flipped when I heard this from Heywood Hale Broun (Nick Named Woodie).  He said this in this that voice of his out of past that still is soo...recognizable anywhere.  I immediately wanted to know how many days it now was from the famous Ron Reese and Mathman coached, Mid-Trib 1260 April 11, 2012 to November 24, 2014.


Here goes:  it is 957 days (Gregorian) or 2.62 Years.  Then I converted this 2.62 Year to Biblical Years as follows:  [2.62 x 5.242 = 13.73404 days and I rounded up to 14 days.  The 957 + 14 = 971 Days (Biblical 360 days/year).  Then I took 971 days/360 = 2.69722222222222222222222 with endless 22 = Light.  Wow!  Let there be Light saith the LORD. The 72 in red is the "Take Out Signal" to Disannull  the 72 Goetic Demons who are working 24/7 with Satan (and with God's permission) to bind certain things on this earth. I wrote about this in my Five Doves Post on Jan 18, 2013 The Raising Ceremony Exposed. 

Then I calculated that there are exactly 2163 weeks  (21 x 103) or 41.46 Years from June 9, 1973 to 11.24.2014, the former date being the exact date that Secretariat won the Triple Crown at the Belmont Stakes.  Then I opened the Bible Wheel and found that Gematria 2163 pulls up the following astounding grid of seven (7) linked verses.


All the Words in the Bible with Sum = 2163
No records found. Please try a different number.

All the Verses in the Bible with Sum = 2163
Text Verse
But the field of the suburbs of their cities may not be sold; for it is their perpetual possession.
And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:
And when she had brought them unto him to eat, he took hold of her, and said unto her, Come lie with me, my sister.
Then let my wife grind unto another, and let others bow down upon her.
All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name. Selah.
For her house inclineth unto death, and her paths unto the dead.
I the LORD do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.

It is evident to me after reading these seven verses that the misuse and most gross abuse of Sex by Satan and his fallen ones is a major issue and focal point of the current ongoing war between Heaven and Earth that is now at the boiling point.


I will end my case here and the rest is my still unposted article.  Thank you John for considering the right and best cours of action.


May God Bless You!






Dear John Tng and all Faithful and Beloved Doves


Subject: A Major “1+1+1” Warning to Rapture and S/D—1 Year; 1 Month; 1 Week from America’s Debt Ceiling Deadline October 17, 2013—Please Read This!


[Thank you John for activating all of the URL LINKS throughout.]



October 17, 2013 or 10.17.13

Plus 1 Year Equals 10.17.14

Plus 1 Month Equals 11:11:7**

Plus 1 Week Equals 11.24.14 Monday, Monday

[Monday Monday 11:11:7** (2014 subsums to 7) and 1117 + 1 = 1118.] Notice that the remaining 4 = Earth Door Rev 4:1 the Rapture

America’s 2013 Debt Ceiling Deadline 0ctober 17th fell on the Real Day of Atonement (Jewish Yom Kippur)—It is still a Major Wakeup Call!


Please Notice that the first following Five Doves Title is October 14, 2013; and, that this is a 3-Day (The Sign of Jonah) “Earlier Warning” to October 17, 2014 the Debt Ceiling. Also, FOCUS on the “FEAST” that I mention in this first post. It really looks now like that Feast is going to be Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 28th, just before Black Friday, November 29, 2014. Take to time to read the words carefully. The LORD promises to do something in Jeremiah 51:39…”while they are aroused”; and, that has got to be the November 4, 2014 Mid-Term Election results. In addition, please notice that there are exactly 3 days (The Sign of Jonah) after Sunday @ Sunset November 23—Day of Death, and that this same sunset also starts Monday, Monday.

On the Torah Calendar Saturday (Jewish Sabbath) November 22—Day of Light is Cheshvan 28—Eternal Life and it will connect at sunset to Sunday November 23—Death and also Cheshvan 29—Departure running for 24 hours to sunset Sunday (Jesus’ Day of Resurrection also known as the first day of the week). At sunset Sunday this same time fuse ignites Monday, Monday November 24th—Priesthood. Rosh Chodesh, the sighting of the first crescent moon is at this same sunset on Sunday November 23, 2014 per the Torah Calendar. Monday starts Kislev 1, 5775. Please note that the first sighting of the New Crescent Moon is shown as November 24th on the following website. New Moon Peak is listed as 12:30PM UTC on November 22—Day of Light.


Pasted from <http://www.dacre.net/moon/select.html>



What is the ‘FEAST’ in JEREMIAH 51:39(NIV—1984)? 39 But while they are aroused, I WILL SET OUT A FEAST FOR THEM AND MAKE THEM DRUNK, so that they shout with laughter— then sleep forever and not awake, declares the LORD.


What is the ‘FEAST’ in JEREMIAH 51:35-43(NIV—1984) 35 May the violence done to our flesh be upon Babylon (America),” say the inhabitants of Zion. May our blood be on those who live in Babylonia,” says Jerusalem. 36 Therefore, this is what the LORD says: “See, I will defend your cause and avenge you; I will dry up her sea and make her springs dry. 37 Babylon will be a heap of ruins, a haunt of jackals, an object of horror and scorn, a place where no one lives. 38 Her people all ROAR LIKE YOUNG LIONS, they growl like lion cubs.


Happening Now! Truckers Roaring Into D.C. , Friday, October 11, 2013 8:13


39 But while they are aroused, I WILL SET OUT A FEAST FOR THEM AND MAKE THEM DRUNK, so

that they shout with laughter— then sleep forever and not awake, declares the LORD.

40 I will bring them down like lambs to the slaughter, like rams and goats.

41“How Sheshach (a cryptogram for Babylon) will be captured, the boast of the whole earth

seized! What a horror Babylon will be among the nations!

42 The sea will rise over Babylon; its roaring waves will cover her. 43 Her towns will be desolate, a dry and desert land, a land where no

one lives, through which no man travels.



Harvey Troyer (14 Oct 013)
"What is the Significance of the October 17, 2013 Debt Ceiling—It fits Perfectly with the October 16, 2012 R.H. Signs!...A MUST READ!"



Five Doves Post October 11. 2013.pdf


Harvey Troyer (17 Oct 2013)
America’s Debt Ceiling Deadline 0ctober 17th falls on the Real Day of Atonement (Jewish Yom Kippur)—A Major Wakeup Call"




Five Doves Post 10. 15. 2013 Americas Debt Ceiling Daadlin October 17th Yom Kippur Day of Atonement.pdf



Harvey Troyer (17 Oct 2013)
Amazing Messages from the Lord through Earthquakes and their Related Gematria—Irrefutable Evidence that this has to be Real!"






Additional Must Read Five Doves Post Titles

Harvey Troyer (16 Nov 2014)
Five Doves Nov 9.2014 Final Warnings and Amazing Timeline Revelations for the Rapture and Sudden Judgment ...A MUST READ"



Five Doves Nov 9.2014 Final Warnings and Amazing Timeline Revelations for the Rapture and Sudden Judgment A MUST READ.pdf



Harvey Troyer (2 Nov 2014)
Five Doves 11.2.14 Obama's 911 Secret & Missing 8 Now Found...All Pointing to 4 Nov Elections (Day 323) A Must Read"




Five Doves 11.2.14 Obama's 911 Secret & Missing 8 Now Found...All Pointing to 4 Nov Elections (Day 323) A Must Read.pdf








Please pray mightily for the protection of God’s People (Israel) by God Yahweh and His Son Yeshuah HaMashiach, who is King of the Jews. May Michael the great Prince of Israel and all his mighty warriors now stand up to protect the Holy People of Israel from all of their Luciferian enemies! Amen and Amen!

Maranatha! (Come Quickly Lord Jesus!)

Harvey Troyer (YBIC)
Emmaus Road Ministries