Harvey Troyer (16 Nov 2014)
"Five Doves Nov 9.2014 Final Warnings and Amazing Timeline Revelations for the Rapture and  Sudden Judgment ...A MUST READ"

Date: November 9, 2014 (Sunday)


To: Dear John Tng and all FAITHFUL and Beloved Doves:


Subject:  Final Warnings and Amazing Timeline Revelations for the Rapture and Sudden Judgment—A Must Read!


Everyone, please use your best spiritual discernment in reading this post.

Will the Almighty's Polarizer 2 à(Horizontal and Vertical ß[see below] first raise the dead and then the Living?  Here is a huge part of the “MISSING EIGHT” and “INFINITY SYMBOL” NOW FOUND; as well as, the “FISH SYMBOL” and more!



3 à [A Trinity of these Oscillation Waves] makes not only the "8"--as in "The Missing Eight" and "The Infinity Symbol"; but, when Three (3) of these Waves are sliced down the middle, it makes "The PERFECT CHRISTIAN FISH SYMBOL" TIED BACK-TO-BACK LIKE THE "FISH GATE" or "PICSES Constellation" in our Sky.  Isn't that way beyond cool?


Will the Almighty's Polarizer 2 à(Horizontal and Vertical ß[see above] first raise the dead and then the Living?  Is the Black Star or Brown Dwarf (Nibiru) the desTroyer (our Sun's Binary Twin) the burned out candle in Nicole Poon's Vision Picture February 24, 2013 (see below), the missing power source that will re-establish the creation electrical grid that will power the Rapture and Sudden Destruction, fulfilling all Bible Prophecy to the letter, including the Book of the Apocalypse (the unveiling) or Revelation?


Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry


Plane polarized light: Light whose electric field oscillates in just one plane


Nonpolarized light
Electric field oscillates in all directions

Object which causes polarization
In this case, a natural crystal of CaCO3

[**Calcium Carbonate is the predominant Elemental Mineral in the Human Skeleton.  Read Ezekiel 37 below—Will Dry Bones Live Again?]

Plane polarized light





Pasted from: <http://www.chem.ucla.edu/harding/IGOC/P/plane_polarized_light.html>


Ezekiel 37:1-6(NIV—1984)      The Valley of Dry Bones

37  The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones.  2 He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry.  3 He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”

I said, “O Sovereign LORD, you alone know.”

4 Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD!  5 This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.  6 I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.’”



A Very Powerful EQ Warning Just After Midnight Friday November 7, 2014 @ 00:01:30 (UTC) Shows 90 Seconds


[**Gematria 130 EQ @ (00:01:30) UTC is linked on the B.W. to Isaiah 51:23, pointing to the near outpouring of “The Cup of the LORD’s WrathàIsaiah 51:17-23” concerning Israel; and November 7, 2014 + 3 days = Monday, Monday November 10, 2014.  So will it happen @ Sunset on Sunday evening November 9, 2014 in Jerusalem just shortly after time on God's Clock and Calendar Changes to Monday, Monday 11-10-2014 (Cheshvan 17, 5775)? 

Or will the LORD wait till sunset Monday, Monday evening when to time on the Torah Calendar changes to 11:11:7 (2014  subsums to 7) and 1117 + 1 = 1118 .  Either way his Mighty Signature will be as over it.


Now notice in the following EQ 30—Dedication of the Blood of Jesus Christ and also 3—Divine Completeness and Perfection.  Gematria 140 = [4--(Earth Door; Creative Works) x 35--(Rapture)]


Friday November 7 2014, 00:01:30 UTC

9 hours ago

Antofagasta, Chile








Please click on the URL LINK to the PDF File Article to find out the rest of the story and why WE “MAY BE” closer to the Rapture than you can even imagine!

Five Doves Nov 9.2014 Final Warnings and Amazing Timeline Revelations for the Rapture and  Sudden Judgment A MUST READ.pdf



Please pray mightily for the protection of God’s People (Israel) by God Yahweh and His Son Yeshuah HaMashiach, who is King of the Jews. May Michael the great Prince of Israel and all his mighty warriors now stand up to protect the Holy People of Israel from all of their Luciferian enemies! Amen and Amen!

Maranatha! (Come Quickly Lord Jesus!)

Harvey Troyer (YBIC)

Emmaus Road Ministries