Friedrich Wenz (30 Nov 2014)
"Signs of the Time: November 29, 2014 ...1947"

Breaking News: Iberia Airlines (Spain’s National Airline) partners with Rescue Christians to save Iraqi Orphans

By Shoebat Foundation on November 29, 2014 in General

by Keith Davies, Executive Director of Rescue Christians

Today we were advised that Spain’s national airline has offered to fly the first hundred orphans and possibly thousands more to Spain FREE of charge under their employee travel program, also many of the employees will give up some of their travel privileges in order for the orphans to travel to Spain. Not only that, but the Iberian airline stewards will act as chaperones to the orphans while on board with one Iberia airline volunteer steward per two orphans. Rescue Christians would like to thank Iberia Airlines and their employee volunteers for their most generous support. This amazing gesture by Iberia Airlines will save Rescue Christians about $70,000 as well as several hundred thousand if the program is extended. Also we must thank again Mila and Manuel Fernandez of Living Water Church, our Rescue Christian Partners in Spain who arranged this, along with the many other initiatives they are working on to save the Orphans of Iraq and Syria. Mila and Manuel are a real blessing to our organization.




Hallelujah, Praise the Lord.

What a sign … amazing news: this day ! – the last day in (Western)Church Calendar … November 30, New Church Year beginning … Advent Time:


Matthew 25, 31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit on the throne of his glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats: … 45 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.




P.S. Today, Sabbath, Saturday November 29, 2014.

… exactly 67 years ago Sabbath, Saturday November 29, 1947



P.S. Today…

For the "First Time in History", "silent adoration" and open prayer by a Pope in a Mosque


From Le Figaro's Vaticanist, Jean-Marie Guénois:

Pope Francis dares to pray at the Blue Mosque of Istanbul 

November 29, 2014.


On the second day of his visit to Turkey, Pope Francis went further than his predecessor Benedict XVI by praying openly in the Blue Mosque side by side with the Grand Mufti.

From our special envoy to Istanbul.

Pope Francis prayed explicitly, on Saturday morning, in the Blue Mosque of Istanbul, side by side with the Grand Mufti. It is a first. At the same spot, in 2006, Benedict XVI had simply remained in contemplation. Moreover, in a very discrete way. Enough to raise controversy. Some said that the German pope had then "prayed" in the mosque. For others, no, because a Christian, the Pope even more so, could not, they affirmed, pray thus in a Muslim place of worship. Prudently, the Vatican had settled on the "contemplation" of Benedict XVI.

It is undoubtedly in order to avoid ambiguity, but above all out of profound conviction - Francis inserts "dialogue" with others, and other religions, as a priority of his pontificate - that the successor of Benedict XVI, in the same mosque, did therefore very visibly cross his fingers, bowed his head for a long time while deeply closing his eyes, from two to three minutes, in order to obviously pray. And to…make clear that he was praying. And this in the direction of the Mihrab, that niche in the wall framed by two pillars that indicates the qibla, that is, the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca.


A strong gesture in the form of a message that is inscribed in the [general] line of this voyage, that is understood as an stretched-out hand to Islam in order to fight "fundamentalism", as Francis explained yesterday in Ankara, on the first day of the visit. It will end tomorrow, when the Pope will attend the Orthodox Divine Liturgy with Patriarch Bartholomew.


Some moments after this spectacular prayer, on Saturday morning, Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, hastened to specify that it was, in fact, a "silent adoration". The Pope, according to Lombardi, had also said to his Muslim host, "we must adore God".


This stopover at the mosque, where no address was expected, should be one of the strong moments of his three-day visit to Turkey. It was so, but it will remain as a strong gesture by Pope Francis. Because he will have dared to do there what none of his predecessors had ever done: to pray openly in a mosque side by side with a Muslim dignitary. (Source, in French)





Luke 21, 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.


Come Lord Jesus




P.S. P.S.


Mary Adams (23 Nov 2014)
"We have seen His star"

Dear Mary Adams,

Thank you so much !!! for your encouraging letter

 “We have seen His star in the east.....”

Praise the Lord! Soon and very soon … the King, our Saviour, Jesus, is coming…