Fay (2 Nov 2014)
"O and Sharia"


Hi John and Doves,

Given the venom, violence and determination of fanatical muslim ideology - their 'frothing at the mouth' hatred towards homosexuality (as well as Christians and Jews) it is bizarre that O, on the one hand, thinks that the muslim call to prayer is 'the most beautiful sound' and that Islam is a religion of peace and love (despite their LOATHING of homosexuality and death threats against homosexuals) on the other, almost breaks his neck to promote homosexuality. If - and this does have a question mark - he is a secret muslim and a trojan horse - a 'Manchurian Candidate' - then the sensible answer to this conundrum is that he is deliberately targeting the USA as a prime candidate for satanic, muslim attack. On account of openly gay marriage. This push for homosexual equality - freedom to marry - flaunt their promiscuity etc., is the PERFECT reason for radical Islam to destroy the USA. Nobody is fully recognising O's double speak and the danger is being ignored. Allow this evil man to continue and the whole world is fried. He is a liar - and we are all missing the finer points of his outrageous, OPEN lies. We are all chosen as Watchmen. Are we being active enough or are we supposed to be passive in face of this danger? I'm not advocating aggressive physical action (on the contrary - Jesus was absolute on the negativity of using the sword of violence). However, are we SHOUTING our watchman's warnings loud enough for the world to hear? If I had an unlimited supply of cash, I'd be advertising in all major newspaper publications around the world because the majority of the world is in a wretched coma.

Should we be doing more than yearning for our redemption? Somebody with wisdom.......please help.
