Bob Anderson (16 Nov 2014)
"Friday's Insanity"

Directly after 9/11 the greatest assemblage of power ever seen gathered at the National Cathedral to listen to Muslim words of peace and comfort. Never will I forget the sight of the gentle ladies of DC weeping daintily into their hankies as Allah's peace and comfort were proclaimed from God's (the great and only God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) pulpit. 

I don't care what you think of Franklin Graham. He has his detractors. But Franklin Graham stood up before this great assemblage of power and ripped the veil from Islam. On that day he was a modern day Paul. The expressions on the faces of the great and powerful was priceless. He's never been invited back.

Since that day I have prayed daily for national forgiveness. That makes thirteen years and counting. And isn't it strange that that time marked the decline of America as we knew it? God, in my opinion, has removed his protection and blessing from this nation.

Now, unbelievably, THEY'RE DOING IT AGAIN!

Pray against this travesty. If you can, send a contribution to Act for America. Publish this in your church and amongst your friends and family. Call, fax or write your congress people. And read the complete story in the embedded link at the end.

Thank you, and God bless,


From: "Act for America" <>
Date: November 12, 2014 9:58:41 AM EST
To: "Robert Anderson" <>
Subject: Friday's Insanity

Washington National Cathedral Scheduled to Host Friday Muslim “Service”

Dear Robert,

We stand incredulous at the astounding naïvete’ exhibited by the hosts of the National Cathedral extending the welcome mat to several Muslim organizations for the purpose of having a Friday prayer service this Friday at the very sacred place where we give funerals to our presidents and national heroes.

We challenge those running the nation’s one and only National Cathedral to find a mosque – anywhere in the world – inviting a rabbi, priest or pastor into that mosque to conduct a service.

Until Billy Graham is invited to deliver a sermon at the Grand Mosque in Mecca, this discussion should be closed. No capitulation. No political correctness. No submitting to this insanity!

If this has you as fired up as we are, we need your help.

Click Here to stand with us with a monthly pledge of $19 or more in support of our efforts to rise against this systematic approach to force this one-way street down our collective throats.

We are only as strong as our supporters. Your financial support is so needed to stand up and fight this insanity. Please click here to support. Any amount is appreciated.

Read the story here:


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