Vickie (7 Nov 2013)
"Re: Gino - Rotation"

Gino (4 Nov 2013)
Gino (29 Oct 2013)

Gino, I always appreciate your posts, which never disappoint in their content; praise be to the Lord. 

As briefly as possible, your Oct 29th morsel was the fourth crumb in a trail the Lord had been setting before me over a period of less than a week.  Your inquiry about scriptures stating the earth rotates caused the previous three crumbs -- the meanings of which had been entirely lost on me -- to come together: Oh!  Now I know where those were leading!

I immediately popped open a search screen and entered criterion I hoped would garner the desired results: biblical findings pertinent to the properties of the universe.  I studied the topic multiple hours, spanning two days.  Imagine how startled I was by the findings, which you've now modestly presented more forthrightly in this forum.

Second-most astounding, and humbling, to me was the realization this KJV-only gal -- who even notes punctuation marks and prepositions -- had entirely missed what God has said on this topic.  "Yea, hath God said...?"  Indeed, He certainly had; scores of times.

For me, personally, it was humbling, exciting, praise-and-repentance-inducing, and a warning about deception, which He then punctuated with a hug by prompting me to visit Pastor Mike Hoggard's YouTube channel -- which I had not done in a few months -- on the date (Oct 31) that Mike revealed, mid-program, he believes the geocentric model is correct, because the Bible says it is.  Prior to October 29, I had never even encountered the word geocentricity.  What a tapestry.

I see before me -- as increasing portions of the church re-interpret [change] God's word to fit the humanistic model of Darwinian evolution and billions of years -- how it was that the world and the church traded the widely held belief in geocentricity for man-hath-said, theoretical heliocentricity, a necessary step in creating and promoting billions of years and the big bang (or whatever they call the ruse today).

With interest I note what seems to me to be a movement to bring this information forward.  Perhaps it's merely similar, though, to getting a new car, then suddenly noticing there are several like it on the road; they were always there.  :)  Clearly, it's prudent to know God's word, to be on the alert for clever deception, to remain teachable, to praise Him for His wondrous works which are beyond our complete understanding.  Do you perceive, or suspect, this revelation is one which might serve us in another, specific way in the days to come?  Personally, I feel confident only of acquiring more frequently than is already the measure, the in-vogue moniker Nutjob.  :)

Thank you, Gino, for being a willing vessel.  - Vickie