TH (7 Nov 2013)
"And  on  and  on  it  goes  !"

                        And  on  and  on  it  goes  !

          Well, I see the arguments continue.  Some people have spent
many, many hours READING their Chosen Translation and want
to be recognized by others for their considerable effort. It's Human
Nature!  And we sure don't want hear views that might differ from our
well earned opinions that we now hold to be absolute Gospel .  After all,
did these people put in as much time as I have studying the WORD of
GOD ?  I seriously doubt it.  I'm sure they don't have my dedication
either.  Probably don't have my comprehension skills either.  WHEW !!!
        Okay, I think you get the point.  One thing I am absolutely sure of
in all this, (and I dare anyone to argue)  is all this in-fighting tickles satan.
" Ha  Ha  Ha  listen to these people argue their gods word.  The more
dissent among them, the easier for me to get them to miss the truth just
enough to claim them,  ha ha ".  " Yep, I can always count on their pride to
make my job easier".  Sounds about right,  don't ya think?  So why do we
continue to do it? Tell me, any one of you, what does YOUR translation
of 1 John 2:27 say?  Anyone?  Please,  I want to hear ALL versions of
that verse.  Come on,  what say you ?  Let's hear it !! ........I'll wait.
