TH (22 Nov 2013)
"WAITING....WAITING..........GONE!! it's too late."


                          WAITING....WAITING..........GONE!! it's too late.


      We're just quietly living with the HOLY SPIRIT waiting for HIM to "drop some flame
on our heads"  so we (HE and us ) can go out in the World and kick some demons off some
people that we know that are in need of an awakening.  Can't do it without HIM.
Gonna need HIS POWER and DIRECTION to accomplish this.  HE CHOOSES
who, when, where, and how... we follow and OBEY.  The entire MISSION is ALL in
HIS HANDS and I am, of course, good with that. We can make requests, but there's
no guarantee that they will be granted.  HE has warned me of disappointments that
lay ahead and to prepare myself for them.  That's BAD NEWS, but since We TRUST
HIM IN ALL THINGS,  I will ask HIM for the strength to bear this.  It will be hard,
very hard,  but I am confident in HIS REASONS and will undertake my emotions,
and with HIS HELP carry on.  Time is Short.  I can feel it in my bones.  HE will come
in the DARK(ness).  
        MICRON:   7  Billion = 7  Thousand....Sounds about right...40  Days ?  Could
be...No word on that, only some Historical  Significance relating to that number.
Maybe less.  Maybe more.  Can be sure, however, enough time to get HIS WILL
accomplished.  Trouble?  To be sure, but not to be concerned about it.  The HOLY
SPIRIT will be right there with us the entire time, no matter the duration.  Assets ?
Certainly enough to get the job done and then some, but not to be sidetracked .  Not
to worry,  HE wouldn't let that happen anyway and besides ( we) would have already
passed THAT temptation or (we) wouldn't be in this position in the first place.
      That DAMNED MARK!  Cut off your "right hand" Ha Ha Ha.....clearly those
wondering about "possible redemption" after taking the "mark" have NO IDEA what
the MARK of the BEAST is!!  Once and for all !!  It is a DNA change that renders
you no longer HUMAN !  No longer " In the Image of GOD" now a BEAST and no
longer covered by the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST ! !  This is satan's ultimate
goal in separating man from GOD.  This has been his agenda from day one, starting
with Eve in the Garden.  This DNA change will promise an increase in lifespan, physical
abilities, disease free existence and the "Love of the AC" since this makes you one of
"THEM".  The PEOPLE OF TODAY will be crowding in line to receive their "up-grade".
Then comes the stunning realization of their betrayal  by satan and his fallen minions.
Then they break out with BOILS so severe that they wish they could die but they can't.
Too late !  Too late fool !  You should have listened to the you will pay
the  most horrific price for your folly.....eternal damnation !  ( and to to your uttermost
sorrow, you will be shown what you have missed out on with a glimpse of GOD'S
HEAVENLY REALM just before you're booted into the Lake of Fire) (It is said that
you will hear GOD'S laughter for the first and last time when you hear your condemnation
announced) Quite a send off for the prideful fools that fell for satan's "great lie".  And
they won't be able to say they weren't warned...they heard, but didn't want to believe
it,  because it entailed "accountability" and they would have NONE of THAT.  They
didn't want to answer for ANY of their actions, especially to a GOD that probably
wasn't real anyway. They will find out just how real HE is when they stand before
HIM, wailing their excuses......too late.......way too late!  
       This ending is so terrible that GOD, in HIS MERCY, will yet give these one last
witness to CHRIST'S  REDEMPTION. If you are called to this task......will YOU
answer the HOLY SPIRIT'S  call for their sake ?  If you are chosen...go!....DO  IT ! !
You won't regret it and neither will the ones that HEAR the  MESSAGE. It will  be

              MARANATHA !
